America’s billionaires—along with the rest of us—should be every bit as frightened of the avatars of fascism like Trump, Bannon, and Orbán as they are of the ghosts of the long-dead USSR.
Opinions & Commentary
Florida’s mini-Mussolini has inspired the Conservatives to embrace stupid schemes, such as a rule forbidding schools to teach about where babies come from to any kid under 9, which apparently doesn’t happen anyway.
Joe Biden will not be damaged by being removed from the White House, but the rest of us will be.
Fully twenty percent of American business is now controlled by private equity, which is draining billions out of our economy every week to stash in the money bins of its morbidly rich owners.
In their pursuit of political power, today’s GOP cynically rejects as quaint and irrelevant even the notion of common decency and carefully following the law while in public office.
Our democracy is not guaranteed. The sobering truth is that we are perilously close to losing many of the elemental liberties we assumed could never be taken away. The good news is that we are not quite yet there.
Billionaires believe that backing the GOP embrace of authoritarianism and oligarchy to replace the democracy will keep them safe. They're wrong.
Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for the third time. He plots his promises of revenge, retribution and punishments from a dingy Manhattan courtroom where he sleeps, drools and farts through his criminal trial.
Trump's indictments are also indictments of those who voted for him the first time and the second time, staying faithful through his years of incompetence and unthinkable executive overreach.
Greene is clearly a clown, but clowns can be popular. However, a funny face and big feet don’t qualify you to dictate American foreign policy on Ukraine.
Trump has unleashed his inner psychopath and if he wins this election it’s going to get uglier here in America than most people today can imagine.
The difference between liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Fascists, is empathy. As you go up the empathy ladder, the lower rungs are thronged with MAGAts and what used to be the Republican party.
The simple reality is that conservatives throughout modern history have viewed democracy with a jaundiced eye, and the Supreme Court’s Republican appointees are no exception.
When you get down to the nitty gritty of it, the far right wants to elect candidates who prove their ability to ignore suffering and death inflicted on others, no matter the species.
It's time we stopped giving adult human beings the benefit of the doubt, simply because we think they're not smart enough not to be fooled by religious shysters, fake news peddlers, and political snake oil salesmen.
Trump ran—and won—on rebalancing wealth in this country. He was lying, of course, but that experience now has Americans ready to leave behind Reaganomics and see billionaires pay fair taxes again.