This scenario isn't just plausible: it’s probable. GOP-controlled states are already changing their state laws to allow for it, regardless of how their people vote.
Despite he and his party’s relentless efforts, Donald Trump could not quite successfully manage a bloodless or bloody coup in the wake of the 2020 Presidential election, but it turns out he didn’t need to.
The Supreme Court's recent decisions are insanely unpopular; we have to make that matter. We must change the political dynamic that has been sending us towards some variety of right-wing theocratic fascism.
The judicial coup coming from this court is by no means over. Next term, the Supreme Court will hear a redistricting case that could make it far easier to concoct a legal pretense for overriding the popular vote in elections.
Guns were commonplace in the post-Civil War Old West, but actual gunfights were rare. Contrary to the mythology, many frontier towns had strict gun laws, especially against carrying concealed weapons.
Trump's criminal conspiracy attempted to overthrow our government with a violent insurrection as well as fraud and forgery. Ironically the actual conspirators also relied on fake conspiracy theories to distract attention from their crimes.
Marches are awe-inspiring, goosebump-inducing, breathtakingly cathartic moments. But marches don’t vote. We need to march all the way to November, all the way to the polls—and for all our lives.
Republicans respond to any example of their extremism with a grab bag of rehearsed misdirections—lying, denying, cherry-picking, gaslighting, what-abouting, culture-warring, or simply counterattacking Biden, Blackness, and wokeness.
There is a much darker aspect to the "Dobbs" ruling. In overturning Roe, the majority’s opinion offers a new and weaker standard for overturning the past rulings of the court. Simply put, precedents will be easier to overturn in the future.
It’s not a ‘democracy’ when minority-elected presidents nominate Supreme Court justices who overturn constitutional protections and give state governments the power to do more of the same.
Now that we have witnessed the demise of Roe v. Wade at the hands of a Trump-stacked Supreme Court, the story of The Handmaid's Tale begins to loom large again.
The ramifications of Supreme Court's shift to "originalism" are just becoming clear. Beyond this gun ruling, the effects will continue to be seen in decisions on abortion, religion, criminal justice, environmental regulation and many other issues.
With all the bad news in the world today, you wouldn't think that the best of times were anywhere near. It is time to take stock of the growing number of things that are actually going in the right direction.
We wake up in a nation where Juneteenth and MLK Day are both national holidays—yet where an entire political party is working to prevent the teaching of the ugliness that precipitated the civil rights movement even existed.