It Is Time to Take a Stand Against Trump Supporters’ Threats of Violence

by | Jun 4, 2024 | The Truscott Chronicles

Photo by Spenser H, Unsplash

It Is Time to Take a Stand Against Trump Supporters’ Threats of Violence

by | Jun 4, 2024 | The Truscott Chronicles

Photo by Spenser H, Unsplash

There is a something that can be done in response to the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and their unhinged supporters. Be ready for them, no matter what they try to do.

Republished with permission from Lucian K. Truscott IV

You would think that Judge Merchan had sentenced and remanded him into custody at 4:00 on Friday afternoon by the level of violent rhetoric from Trump’s supporters over the weekend. “Hang everyone,” one of Trump’s supporters posted on an obscure right-wing website. “1,000,000 men (armed) need to go to Washington and hang everyone. That’s the only solution.” Another military genius chimed in, “Trump should already know he has an army willing to fight and die for him if he says the words…I’ll take up arms if he asks.”

There was milder stuff, and there was worse, but that’s the tenor. I say, bring it on. Bring your (armed) “army” to New York City or Washington D.C., where it is illegal in either jurisdiction to openly carry a firearm. Nor is it legal to gather in a mob on the Mall in Washington or on the streets of New York City without a permit.

July 11, when Trump is sentenced, is just over four weeks away. Every single day between now and then should be consumed by preparation for the potential that the rhetoric being used by the far-right will become a reality in New York City or Washington D.C.

The Biden and New York city administrations should be reading this crap on the internet and taking appropriate steps, not only to deter such illegality, but to defend against it, if only even a small squad of Proud Boys or Oath Keepers dares to show themselves in Manhattan or Washington D.C. They should have contingency plans to flood downtown Manhattan and D.C. and the public areas on the D.C. Mall and the Criminal Courts building in Manhattan with New York City police, Capitol police, FBI agents, and armed National Guard units if necessary.

No more being caught napping like on January 6. The FBI should be all over the internet logging these threats, tracing them, and paying visits to whomever they can identify behind them. Come up with some sort of warning document that can be handed out in person to the threat-makers. Outline the relevant New York State and federal laws for the District of Columbia, which is under federal jurisdiction. Make it clear to anyone thinking about violent activity on July 11 or any time before or after that date what will happen to them.

The relevant law enforcement agencies should be issuing assertions of eminent domain over sports facilities and other private areas that could be used to house arrestees if there is some sort of illegal gathering of armed Trump supporters in New York City or Washington. All the agencies responsible for law enforcement and keeping the peace in Washington D.C. and the NYPD should be having briefings of their employees to establish zones of responsibility for any potentially violent mass event. Rules of engagement should be established, from use of tear gas and pepper spray to wielding of nightsticks to the use of firearms for self-defense against armed rioters.

What I saw over the weekend was stories in the press and handwringing on cable news shows about how terrible it is that Trump is motivating his supporters use of violent rhetoric. A dozen or more Republican members of Congress were asked on Sunday talk shows and in other interviews if they are prepared to denounce the Right’s violent rhetoric and if they will commit to accepting the outcome of the presidential election in November. To a person, they refused to challenge the violent rhetoric coming from supporters of the Republican Party, and not a one of them said they would support the victor in November if he isn’t Trump.

It’s time to move past asking these lily-livered Trump puppets why they won’t come to their senses and act like responsible Americans. They won’t. So let them swim in the slime bucket of their slavish fealty to their Maximum Leader. It’s time for responsible law enforcement agencies to start preparing for Trump-generated violence. If the preparations are made known publicly, it might cause at least some Trump supporters to have second thoughts about grabbing their guns and going to New York or Washington. After all, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and other January 6 insurrectionists have been watching as their compatriots are tried and sentenced to prison.

Merrick Garland should hold a press conference and state specifically what laws would be broken by flouting guns and gathering without a permit in Washington D.C. and make clear that violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of relevant laws. Alvin Bragg should hold the same sort of news conference to outline New York City laws and what sort of punishments await those arrested for breaking them.

There is a something that can be done in response to the violent rhetoric of Donald Trump, the Republican Party, and their unhinged supporters. Be ready for them, no matter what they try to do.

Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian K. Truscott IV

Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist and screenwriter. He has covered stories such as Watergate, the Stonewall riots and wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels and several unsuccessful motion pictures. He has three children, lives in rural Pennsylvania and spends his time Worrying About the State of Our Nation and madly scribbling in a so-far fruitless attempt to Make Things Better.

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