Evil must be confronted. It cannot be allowed to stand and capture the universe.
I have written several poems about hate, the source of hate, the relations to hate and the abolishment of hate. You can find them below. Let the universe be flooded with poetry, art, music, and love. May hate be gone forever! I am attacking hate at its core.
You wear hate in your holster
Liquid scars adorn your body
Have you never heard of
Love thy neighbor?
This elixir of vitriol
Has become your breakfast
of champions.
In first grade
we learned how
to split hairs
and hate each other.
It was our first dose
of competition
after playing
cowboys and Indians.
As competitive spirits roam
derived from the legacy
of vacuum cleaner salesmen
and the fuller brush man
who came door to door
slacking their valuables
for all to see.
The drying
damp folds of
eternity worried us
like nothing before
our future
stretched out loud
for all to see.
The dying
quick jabs
of eternity
that seemed
to knock us
from the
wheels of progress.
The times we placed
superstition superior
to knowledge.
The times we learned
to stop hating.
I am hate
do not mock me
I was born
in the hearts
of grown men.
The ones you
see on street corners
in board rooms
and political circles
or preaching religious ideology;
they debate the fate of mankind.
It is from these hearts
I was struck
the mold cast
and hate born
and born again.
I touch
the tapestry
of life 3 times
the venom
flows from my veins
I come from a land
of failing hearts
a place where
none willingly go
a place contemptuous
of everything
Yes my name is hate
so far away
yet close enough
to touch
and breathe the
sapid air.
I am hate
Do not mock me
i no longer
look for sunshine
seeking shadows
hiding in darkness
shame has brought me humility
the shame of crimes committed
hate spread throughout the world
finally catches up with me
hate spread as communicable disease
my mediums of destruction
bullets lined with hate
shot from guns
with shattered hearts
bombs derived from hate
dropped from planes
that drown minds and spirit
in an infantile paralysis
scheme without contrition
the crucifix uncrossed and unsheathed
the perfect weapon for spreading hate
with watchmaker’s precision
high-fashion munitions dressing society down
manufactured in the pits of loathing
sold to the lowest of bidders for twice the price
of human life sight unseen its only business i mutter
only the business of hate nothing personal
as i focused on toxins of greed
that would eat mankind alive
i no longer struggle with
that conscience
it never existed
or so it seems
but it did not start that way
one nightmare led to another
i had to cover tracks of error
and mistakes that betrayed my beatitude
i could no longer think straight
lines of insurrection
my surreptitious plans were
born to hate and genuflect
the genocide bred from
these farms of deceit
and who but a fool could
fight such forces that stem
from evil the devil’s guide
i am mankind dying he shouted
and the lonely listened
and the hungry listened
but those fed and fat hardly
moved from their
couches of insurrection
you simply cannot wage a revolution
from your living room
Someone is putting
fear into the city.
Rifles full
of homeboy hate
spousal hate
playground hate
Cruising for rape filled bars
not love nested halls
society upside down
not a civilization
Role models are thug
strutted machos
brandishing immoralities
attitudes instead of compassion
Media making myths
of antiheroes
exploiting pain
instant revenge for
the breakfast of losers
And we have
to live here
to love here
Someone is putting
hate in this city
life is a TV cop show
all under interrogation
all confessing to
crimes we
did not commit
Someone is putting
hate in the city
spiking the waters
with genocide
children dancing
with masqueraded pedophiles
And we have
to live here
to love here
Someone is putting
hate in the city
it is not natural
people don’t naturally hate
Someone is putting hate
in the city
faking their tears
deceiving the city
with their piety
making spirits into
animals and animals
running rabid
with their message
Someone is putting
hate in the city
people don’t hate
animals don’t hate
mad men turned
cinders hate
They are putting
hate in the city
putting hate
in the coffee
instead of cream
staredowns instead
of lovedowns
And we have
to live here
to love here
Someone is putting
hate in the city
mad men barking
like dogs
housewives loaded
with 38 caliber tears
as their children
are gunned down
with Uzi precision
Someone is putting
hate in the city
weapons of war
now children’s toys
Who sells the guns
that shoot the children
who makes the guns
that shoot the children
follow the money
follow the money
follow the money
They are putting hate
in the city
they are putting
hate in the world
Someone is putting
hate in the city
Time for them to move
Time for someone to put
love in the city
I hope you enjoy/appreciate my work to build a more civil civilization. We’ve come too far to let it go to evil elements. Evil will not go away on its own. Evil must be confronted and extricated from society for us to breathe the air of freedom.