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What Makes Bullies, Like Trump, Vulnerable?

What Makes Bullies, Like Trump, Vulnerable?

What bullies and their allies fear the most: people actually looking directly at them and what they do—confronting them, and then standing their ground refusing to be intimidated.
The Anxiety Attack of “What if Trump Wins? What Then?”

The Anxiety Attack of “What if Trump Wins? What Then?”

Most, if not all, of Trump’s threats are hollow, and while they cannot be ignored, they do not present serious cause for worry. The way to ensure that none of this madness ever comes to pass is to get out and vote for Kamala Harris.
How Can America Avoid Another Civil War?

How Can America Avoid Another Civil War?

It turns out that the vast majority of the hundreds of civil wars fought throughout history were started by those in power or wealthy elites very close to power.
Why Are Conservative Christians So Hateful?

Why Are Conservative Christians So Hateful?

Most Conservative Christians have lived so long in this grotesque perversion of Jesus, that they simply accept that this is how their faith is supposed to look and sound and react.
Trump Turns the Hate Knob to 11

Trump Turns the Hate Knob to 11

Trump is closing his argument by reminding his base how much they are like him—that “we” all feel the same way he does about immigrants, Blacks, women, the disabled and everyone who is not white Christian followers of Donald Trump. 
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