With Medicare Advantage we are handing billions of dollars a month to insurance industry executives so they can buy new Swiss chalets, private jets and luxury yachts.
Thom Hartmann
Trump's political Teflon coating is at least a hundred times more effective than Reagan’s was in his wildest dreams. Why?
America’s billionaires—along with the rest of us—should be every bit as frightened of the avatars of fascism like Trump, Bannon, and Orbán as they are of the ghosts of the long-dead USSR.
Increasingly, Americans are realizing the cancer eating our democracy is the power of great wealth and Supreme Court-legalized political bribery.
Fully twenty percent of American business is now controlled by private equity, which is draining billions out of our economy every week to stash in the money bins of its morbidly rich owners.
In their pursuit of political power, today’s GOP cynically rejects as quaint and irrelevant even the notion of common decency and carefully following the law while in public office.
Billionaires believe that backing the GOP embrace of authoritarianism and oligarchy to replace the democracy will keep them safe. They're wrong.
Trump has unleashed his inner psychopath and if he wins this election it’s going to get uglier here in America than most people today can imagine.
The simple reality is that conservatives throughout modern history have viewed democracy with a jaundiced eye, and the Supreme Court’s Republican appointees are no exception.
Trump's vision of fascism—supported by the neofascist ideologues behind Project 2025 and Project 47—is claiming the Democratic Party is so extreme it’s a threat and needs to done away with.
Trump ran—and won—on rebalancing wealth in this country. He was lying, of course, but that experience now has Americans ready to leave behind Reaganomics and see billionaires pay fair taxes again.
The irony about strongman leaders is that they’re generally not strong people. They use violence and the rhetoric of violence to mask their own fear and weakness.
While it requires lawful due process—your day in court—to take away your gun, red state governors and secretaries of state can take away your vote without even telling you.
The debate about how humans should govern themselves is the real battle of our time, both metaphorically and literally, both internationally and right here at home.
Why do Red state voters tolerate being conned and ripped off by their own elected representatives? Mainstream media have made it clear that they won’t expose the damage Republicans are doing to rural America.
Republicans have been on a major campaign to trash reproductive rights and women's rights in general. This creates a big problem for them come election time. Their solution? Stop women from voting.