Corporations don't need pure food, clean air, or safe drinking water, but they control our government and elections…and the outcome is proving disastrous.
Thom Hartmann
The GOP has turned voter suppression into a computer-based science, and they’ve had a lot of help along the way from five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court.
Unlike the 1890s, when there were still papers engaging in serious journalism, today’s yellow journalism is ubiquitous across media consumed by the majority of Americans.
A lawsuit filed this year by Noelle Dunphy, a former employee of Giuliani, asserts that Giuliani was offering people pardons for $2 million, the money to be split 50/50 between him & Trump.
It shouldn’t surprise us that a political party that swears its first allegiance to billionaires and giant multinational corporations would choose money and profits over health and life.
“Power at any cost” has been the Republican slogan ever since Nixon’s attempts to assassinate Castro in 1960 to beat JFK in that year’s election.
There are few Americans alive today who have personal memory of Hitler, the details are lost to the mists of time. But Donald Trump is bringing it all back to us with a fresh, stark splash of reality.
Donald Trump is a confidence man, a charlatan, an unrepentant liar whose deceits have cost at least a half-million Americans their lives. Why do so many American support him?
The day after President Trump was re-elected (with MAGA Mike's help), he invoked the Insurrection Act and began the mass arrests.
Religious charlatans like Speaker MAGA Mike Johnson, exploiting a basic human urge to know the unknowable, to touch the mystery of life, are the most dangerous of all the various types of con men on Earth.
Oligarchy is always a transitional system, typically a mere way station in the shift from democracy to fascism or some other form of authoritarianism.
In MAGA Mike Johnson (what Trump calls him), Republicans have found the perfect embodiment of their deplorable basket of hatreds. The only “loves” they have are rightwing billionaires and the fossil fuel industry. And, of course, Trump’s good buddy Vladimir Putin.
As Russia and Hungary have shown us, once a country has lost the institutions that maintain its democracy, it’s damn hard to get them back.
The simple fact is that, were it not for slavery, white supremacy, and the legacy of “scientific racism,” America would have had a national, single-payer healthcare system in 1915.
The right wing faces crises with incompetence or cynical exploitation: Bush and Hurricane Katrina; Netanyahu and Gaza; Trump and Covid, or tossing paper towels at hurricane victims in Puerto Rico.
Russia is close to having the upper hand Ukraine because of Putin’s ability to get American Republican politicians to mouth his talking points and propaganda.