Oil companies are finding it increasingly difficult to raise financing amid rising environmental and social governance and sustainability concerns.
Progress & Solutions
Candidates aligned with “Moms for Liberty,” a group very much opposed to liberty in our schools, were run out of school boards across the country.
Solar advocates in southwestern Virginia say being local, proving the technology works, and building a coalition to support it have been key to their success.
Governor Glenn Youngkin spent months rallying Republicans to flip the Senate and hold the House, but the GOP’s failure to achieve that ambitious goal shows the limits of the governor’s brand of conservatism.
Under mounting pressure from patient advocates and government regulators, the three major credit agencies over the last two years have taken a series of steps to remove some medical debts from credit reports.
In addition pay increases, the agreement will convert many temporary workers to full-time status, higher pay for temps, the right to go on strike over plant closures, and increases in retirement plans.
In denying the injunction, the judge said plaintiff the US Chamber of Commerce, representing Big Pharma interests, "demonstrated neither a strong likelihood of success nor irreparable harm."
When one reads Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, it is glaringly obvious that Trump is not eligible to hold any office. Michigan voters have now joined two other states in filing suit to block his presence on the ballot.
Joe Biden announces a historic show of support for striking autoworkers with his plan to stand on the picket lines with them.
Inspired by the FDR's popular Civilian Conservation Corps, Biden's American Climate Corps (ACC) will establish a paid training program with the goal of providing good-paying clean energy oriented jobs.
These two first-in-the-nation bills will provide unprecedented insight into corporate climate emissions and financial climate risk.
The gulf between workers and employers was ever widening 150 years ago—and astronomical now. Today's resurgence of labor and unions is the counter-balance to this—which we just celebrated.
"You know it's good policy when Big Pharma is terrified of it." The price-negotiation process was set in motion by last year's passage of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which PhRMA spent tens of millions to defeat.
Trump cultists are already calling for death to people who oppose his efforts to capture the White House in 2024: It’s time for the 14th Amendment.
Contrary to the relentless propaganda by FOX and Republicans, the results of Biden's economic policies (#Bidenomics) these past two years have been much larger growth and recovery than anyone thought possible.
Connecting Americans to high-speed internet is a key part of “Bidenomics”—Biden’s plan that “to grow the economy from the middle out and the bottom up—not the top down.