ISIS-K quickly took responsibility for the terror attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow, with evidence. Putin however decided to use it as a propaganda tool against Ukraine and the West.
Rachel Maddow: “You wouldn’t hire a wise guy, a made-man like a mobster, to work in a DA’s office. You wouldn’t hire a pickpocket to work as a TSA screener. And so, I find the decision to put her [McDaniel] on the payroll inexplicable.”
Ronna McDaniel has been a key part of the campaign of the Republican Party to denounce and condemn the news media as “enemies of the people,” in Trump’s notorious words.
At least some Republican voters have already made up their minds they won’t vote for Trump in November, which means they probably won’t turn out to vote at all, so they’re lost to him.
Judge Aileen Cannon's ruling reads like she called Trump at Mar-a-Lago and asked him, “How would you like me to rig the case for you, sir? Completely, or totally?”
Drones have given small terrorist movements a way of attacking countries, or in the case of the Houthis, freedom of international trade, that they would not have been able to do even a few years ago.
Steven Miller and his right-wing legal mice say the Presidential Records Act doesn’t apply to Donald Trump, well, because Donald Trump says so. It's a little more complicated than that, but not by much.
Following the world of free-floating money is an adventure, especially when it comes to Donald Trump. With him it keeps coming around to Russian intelligence and fixer/criminals like Alexander Smirnoff.
Trumps’s not saying that he didn’t do it. He did. He’s not saying that what he did was illegal. It was. He’s saying that it didn’t amount to causing others to violate their oaths in the exact same manner he was violating his.
According to the Pentagon, "Had we known the RNC was concealing this important national security information, the DOD would have acted to stop the broadcast to prevent panic among the population."
It just doesn’t make sense to spend tens of millions of dollars on a weapon that can be disabled by munitions costing hundreds of dollars and knocked out by anti-tank missiles costing a few thousand.
I have trouble finding the words to describe what a profile in cowardice this Supreme Court decision is. If they use this decision as precedent, it spells the end of equal enforcement of the laws in this country.
We’re going to have to fight and fight hard to win this year. But part of our job is to give people a reason to vote for us as much as against the other side.
If President Biden wants to draw a bright line between his foreign policy goals and Trump’s avowed isolationism and support of Russia, now is the time, and the disaster in Gaza is the place.
Trump’s not a superman. Owning a corrupt Supreme Court does not give him the political power to win an election that depends on the votes of American citizens.