The Truscott Chronicles

How Will Trump Profit From the Presidency? Let Us Count the Ways

How Will Trump Profit From the Presidency? Let Us Count the Ways

Who among us will be surprised if the TRUMP brand isn’t emblazoned on the North Portico of the White House with signs welded to the outer perimeter fence reading “Open for business! Gift Shop inside! We accept Bitcoin and WLFI tokens!”
On the Awfulness—and Insanity—of War

On the Awfulness—and Insanity—of War

Wars make sense to those seeking to vanquish others for their own gain. Wars are forced on those who must defend themselves against conquest, thus the sense they make is dictated, not chosen, as from a menu of options.
The Pentagon: Irresistible Force, Meet Immovable Object

The Pentagon: Irresistible Force, Meet Immovable Object

Right now tens of thousands of men and women in service are steeling themselves for what is coming their way. They have steeled themselves before when incompetence and political hackdom came through their doors.
Against the Darkness, a Statement of Purpose

Against the Darkness, a Statement of Purpose

Ideas cannot be destroyed, nor can the ideals we have fought to preserve, protect, and extend so that they can outlive us in our children and our children’s children.