The Truscott Chronicles

Will the White House Finally Unleash Ukraine?

Will the White House Finally Unleash Ukraine?

At some point, the U.S. is going to have to take the gloves off and allow NATO and the Pentagon to fully equip the Ukrainian military with everything it needs to defend itself.
Boys and Parents and Guns and Our Second Amendment

Boys and Parents and Guns and Our Second Amendment

We do not take seriously that it was completely legal for a boy’s father to go to a gun store and spend $1,500 on an AR-15 and give it to the boy for Christmas, apparently without a thought about what the boy might do with the weapon of war.
Useful Idiots and Russian Propaganda

Useful Idiots and Russian Propaganda

New indictments spell out the elaborate measures Russia has taken to establish propaganda channels to interfere with this year's elections. Luckily this year the indictments came before the voting, not after.
This Time the Shooter Was 14 Years Old

This Time the Shooter Was 14 Years Old

There are too many guns. There is too much access to these guns by young men with a fight to pick against the world and a nearby school for a place to start the fight. There is way, way too much apathy about it.
Trump Doubles Down on His Dishonor and Desecration of Arlington

Trump Doubles Down on His Dishonor and Desecration of Arlington

Every time you think Trump can’t go any lower with his lies and outrages and moral degradation, he comes up with a new low. This time he has chosen to denigrate and dishonor soldiers who served their country, some of them sacrificing their lives.
Trump Invades Arlington National Cemetery in a PR Stunt

Trump Invades Arlington National Cemetery in a PR Stunt

Donald Trump, with his history of disdain and dishonor for American soldiers who died in service to their country, should not be allowed on the soil of Arlington Cemetery or any other National Cemetery around the country where soldiers are buried.