Celebrated Author Don Winslow Retires from Writing to Pick a Fight

by | Apr 25, 2022 | Fact Heroes, Politics, Corruption & Criminality

Don Winslow at Leipzig Book Fair 2016, Photo: Heike Huslage-Koch

Celebrated Author Don Winslow Retires from Writing to Pick a Fight

by | Apr 25, 2022 | Fact Heroes, Politics, Corruption & Criminality

Don Winslow at Leipzig Book Fair 2016, Photo: Heike Huslage-Koch

Bestselling author Don Winslow has announced his retirement from writing to devote his time to launching digital campaigns supporting Democratic causes and opposing “Trumpism.”

Don Winslow is an American author best known for his award-winning and internationally bestselling crime novels, including Savages, The Force and the Cartel Trilogy.

Now Winslow is changing hats and has announced his retirement from writing. He sees a huge problem on the political horizon. (The same problem we and many others see: unified and coordinated messaging by Trump’s and Putin’s allies.)

Frankly, to see someone with Don Winslow’s credentials and capabilities step into the fray, and on their own dime, is an example many more should aspire to.

“Democrats have better ideas, better candidates, and a better vision for tomorrow. What they don’t have is better messaging and I’m going to try and change that.”

Also in his announcement on Twitter, Winslow stated, “I will be paying for everything myself and not accepting any donations.”

His full statement follows:

Dear Readers and Friends,

You may have heard, I’m retiring. My new novel, City on Fire, comes out Tuesday, April 26. The sequels, already written, will be published in April 2023 and April 2024. These are the last three new books I will publish.

I love writing and do not make this decision lightly, but I’m going to pick a fight.

Donald Trump was defeated in 2020, but Trumpism is a cancer that has metastasized across the country. I believe a more dangerous form of it will emerge after the November midterms. I know some people disagree.

It’s easy to spot them because they’re the ones who told you Trump was never going to be elected and have been promising you for years that he’s going to jail.

Investigations aren’t consequences and we have seen that time and again with Mueller, SDNY, NYSAG, NYCDA, the Treasury Department, the Justice Department, and countless others. Investigations are often designed to protect the people at the top of the crime, punish the people at the bottom, and provide TV time to politicians selling themselves.

I want to see real consequences for Trump, his family, and the enablers who share his cynical, soulless, corrupt, and sub-literate worldview. I want to see real consequences for the architects of January 6 and not just the foot soldiers. Fifteen months after January 6 and not one single Republican lawmaker has been held accountable for their actions on J-6 and not one has ever received a subpoena from the committee. Not one. Without consequences, they will win re-election and cause more chaos.

The Democratic Party has better ideas, better candidates, and a better vision for tomorrow. What they don’t have is better messaging and I’m going to try and change that. That will be my focus now. Democrats don’t yell loud enough about their own accomplishments and we don’t yell loud enough when Republicans break the law. We need more than outrage. We need action.

I’m proud of the fact that the political videos we have made exposing Donald Trump and other Republican leaders have garnered 250 million views and had a real impact on key races around the country—including our #AmericaNeedsMichigan video with Jeff Daniels (5 million views), #AmericaNeedsPennsylvania with Bruce Springsteen (10 million views) and our #AnatomyOfCapitolAttacks video (14 million views).

Now I’m after one billion. One billion documented views.

I’m going to create a series of political videos that hit hard, create change, and help win key races across the country.

Trump’s followers want a world where women will continue to be stripped of their rights, voting will be suppressed, misinformation will be weaponized, police reform will be blocked, and schools, teachers, and books will be under constant threat. And the last remnants of the Rule of Law, which once made this nation an example for the world, will be shredded. Don’t underestimate this all-out attack on our democracy.

On Monday, I begin a 23-city book tour. It will be my last tour. I hope you will come say hello and also goodbye.

On a final personal note, I became an “overnight success” in my mid-50’s when my best friend stepped in to save my career and the last decade has been an amazing ride, with success I never could have imagined. I am grateful to every reader who bought my books, to every bookseller and librarian who recommended them, and to every friend on Twitter who championed my work. If there is one lesson to take from my life it is to never give up on your dream. It took a long time, but it happened for me and it can happen for you. Don’t ever quit.

I hope you will join my digital army and help me fight this war. We can make a real difference together.

Thank you.
Don Winslow
April 23, 2022

We look forward to seeing the results of his upcoming efforts.

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