Celebrating the Resilience of Humanity

by | Dec 25, 2023 | Larry's Observations

Photo by Berend Leupen

Celebrating the Resilience of Humanity

by | Dec 25, 2023 | Larry's Observations

Photo by Berend Leupen

So after yet another evolution around the sun, Earth is still here and, despite the hate and violence, the love of humanity cannot be destroyed despite the best despicable efforts of some.

To all my friends and associated beings, I would like to wish you all a most wondrous holiday season. We are obviously riding a very rough time in our lives. I do not know that I can recall so much disruption of “normal” everyday activities and life. The Earth is tilting back and forth and when you look for truth it seems to be rapidly obfuscated. There is so much emotional litter it becomes difficult to find even ground. Hate is spewed on street corners like confetti. Honestly, it is difficult for the average Joe to even contemplate seeing the forest for the trees.

The social veneer of our planet is falling by the wayside. Reality has changed its face and the façades of deceit and disappearing. Although it is painful to confront, it is perhaps better than the true thoughts, feelings and personality are uncovered. We are ridding ourselves of the by the liquid smiley masks worn by the hucksters around us. Yes, it is indeed painful to see through the illusions that have made up this world and the promises unkept. The truth is working its way through the land and the grifters look into the mirror of life and watch their faces melt under the harsh light of the truth.

And so, my friends, we are coming to the end of the year and entering the wonder of wonders—a LEAP YEAR! I say hurrah to this extra day of living and forecast a year of hope out of the morass we have been experiencing. So after yet another evolution around the sun, Earth is still here and, despite the hate and violence, the love of humanity cannot be destroyed despite the best despicable efforts of some.

So on this wonderful occasion let’s just take a moment to create some calm around our space and without being namby-pamby about it, create some beauty for our friends and neighbors. Life is rough but we can and must get through this. I leave you with this poem that I hope will bring a smile to your faces.


I have walked the sands
in feet of Muslim and Jew.

One lifetime I wear the Kufi
and the next the Yarmulke
from wandering Jew
to ready Muslim.

I march through endless desert
flag erect , mind besotted
with unrequited loathing
strangling in righteousness.

It is difficult to keep
track of which lifetime
I despise the most
Muslim or Jew
in perpetual motion
pressure of unseen fingers.

I change religions
like vestments
representing each lifetime
worn by the
mullahs and rabbis before me.

Each lifetime
I undress in the sand
trying to understand
the lifetime before me.

I live in endless revulsion
wondering why brothers fight
breeding hate
with the brilliance
of genetic engineering
surrendering our offspring
to eternal death.

And I wonder if I live
through enough lifetimes
will I finally understand
who really designs this war .

Will I at last identify
those perpetrators of chaos
to brave souls
and will they finally stop
waving their banners
like electrified sex symbols .

It is my final wish
for them to fly
their flags of hate
at half-mast
while I watch love
bloom in the sand.

On the Horizon

There are a couple new poetry projects I will be telling you about next time. In the meantime, have a Happy Merry whatever you want to call it!

Jews and Muslims Peace Song

I leave you with this wonderful video: the Jews and Muslims Peace Song from 12 Tribes Music.


Lawrence George Jaffe

Lawrence George Jaffe

Lawrence George Jaffe is an internationally known and an award-winning writer, author, and poet. For his entire professional career, Jaffe has been using his art to promote human rights. He was the poet-in-residence at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage, a featured poet in Chrysler’s Spirit in the Words poetry program, co-founder of Poets for Peace (now Poets without Borders) and helped spearhead the United Nations Dialogue among Civilizations through Poetry project which incorporated hundreds of readings in hundreds of cities globally using the aesthetic power of poetry to bring understanding to the world.
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