Republished with permission from Steve Schmidt
I’m going to share something evil with you that must be read slowly and precisely.
Think about it deeply.
Think about what it means, and what must be confronted—or not.
Do not look away from it.
Ignorance is not safety. It is surrender, and sometimes, death.
What I’m going to share is an excerpt from a speech delivered by Joseph Goebbels, titled “The Storm is Coming,” in July of 1932. It was a few weeks before the last German elections, which wouldn’t occur for another 17 years.
I have changed a few words having been inspired to apply the test Bill Kristol used to test Donald Trump’s words against America’s values, which Trump seeks to immolate.
I have changed a total of 57 words/numbers (in bolded caps) from the speech below.
Twenty-two of them are changes of Germany to AMERICA.
Eight changes involve dates/numbers.
My request is that you evaluate the speech below rigorously, and see if it sounds fascist to you.
The men of
November [1918]2020 took power by lying to the people, by telling them they had won. They promised you, workers, citizens and creativeGermans, AMERICANS aReichCOUNTRY of freedom and beauty and dignity.
They promised you
socialismOPPORTUNITY, they promised a people’s state, they promised the broad masses the fulfillment of their dreams—peace, work and prosperity.
We have lived this lie for
144 years, we have worshipped this government; we have lived in want, suffered, sacrificed, starved, sometimes wept.
And now we see the worst results of these
144 years: theGermanAMERICAN economy is in ruins, there are huge budget deficits, the nation’s fortune is squandered, people are robbed of their inheritance, people are desperate and without hope, the streets of our big cities are filled with an army of millions of unemployed, the middle class is vanishing, the farmers driven from their land. To our shame and disgrace large areas ofGermanAMERICAN territory have been lost.
Our territory is divided by the bleeding wound of the
Polish corridorSOUTHERN BORDER andGermanyAMERICA is drained by a stupid and unnatural tribute payments.
It is not hard to determine who is guilty, who bears the responsibility, to the people, to history and to God for these conditions.
It is
those men and the partiesCROOKED HILLARY AND CROOKED JOE who have misled theGermanAMERICAN people for1412 years, promising them lives of beauty and dignity, of heaven on earth, but who in the end gave us empty words and stones instead of bread.
They stand now before the court of the nation to give an account of the unparalleled disaster they have brought about in the last
1412 years.
Five weeks agoTWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-SEVEN DAYS AGO the lastcabinetADMINISTRATION of this system fell.
New men came on the political stage and declared that they had the goal of replacing
the November SystemA RIGGED SYSTEM and settingGermanyAMERICA on a fundamentally new political course.
You men and women know that we viewed this attempt with suspicion from the beginning. We see the resurrection of our people as coming not from a small clique that has no strong connection to the people; only a movement of millions has the active strength and the ability to change
You, men, women and comrades, are the bearers, witnesses, builders and finishers of this unique people’s uprising.
Our policies have not been popular. We have served the truth, and only the truth. For twelve years, they have insulted and outlawed and slandered and persecuted us. Now that we are standing at the doorway to power,
MarxistWOKE lies have joined with bourgeois weakness to fight us. Were we only a party like all the rest, we would collapse under the offensive of our opponents.
But we are a people’s movement. That is our good fortune. Here and everywhere else in the land, the red shining
SwastikaMAGA flag flies over people of all camps, parties, classes, occupations, and religious confessions. Our opponents laughed at us in the past, but they laugh no longer.
You men and women standing before me, a hundred or two hundred thousand in number, with heads high, upright, proud and brave, the carriers of
Germany’sAMERICA’S future, in your eyes it is written:
We think no longer in terms of class. We are not workers or middle class. We are not first of all Protestants or Catholics. We do not ask about ancestry or class.
Together we share the words of the poet:
“People, rise up, and storm, break loose!”
Comrades, men and women, fate has given us a last chance. We have one more opportunity to speak to the people. Our campaign spreads to all of
GermanyAMERICA, and once again the ears hear, the eyes see, the heart beats faster and the senses clear:
“The day of freedom and prosperity is coming!”
So our dead comrade
Horst WesselASHLI BABBITT wrote, and we are fulfillinghisHER prophesy.
The others may lie, slander, and pour their scorn on us—their political days are numbered.
Adolf HitlerDONALD TRUMP is knocking at the gates of power, and in his fist are joined the fists of millions of workers and farmers. The time of shame and disgrace is nearly over.
You are the witnesses, the builders, the will-bearers of our idea and our worldview.
The party hacks of the
SocialistDEMOCRAT Party are suddenly remembering the people.
For a decade, the illustrated magazines pictured them only in frock coats and cylinder hats at tables filled with oysters and champagne bottles. Now they wear workers’ caps and fill their newspapers with urgings like “People, wake up!”
Well, we the people have awakened! We have risen against oppression, 15 million people have joined in an army of revenge.
Our answer:
“The good old days of party bigwigs are over. A new
GermanyAMERICA is coming, anGermanyAMERICA raised on the Spartan laws ofPrussianCHRISTIAN duty.
It is a
GermanyAMERICA not grown fat, but one that is starving! It is aGermanyAMERICA with strength, with will, with idealism!
It is a
GermanyAMERICA that is done withMarxistWOKE betrayal and bourgeois white gloves.”
And you are the witnesses of this
GermanyAMERICA. You, people, have affirmed thisGermanyAMERICA. And we, people, speak in your name. We the leaders of this exciting movement of the millions, we come from you, the people. We too, comrades, were once unknown men marching with the gray masses.
People, we have shared in our hearts your torture, your misery, your tribulations, your desperation. We are a piece of the people. When the
bourgeoisELITE know-it-alls ask what we have accomplished, you, men and women, must save us from the necessity of giving answer. When they ask what we have done, you 15 million must answer: “They have given us faith once more, they have given us hope. They have awakened a sleepingGermanyAMERICA.
They have organized and mobilized millions and set them to march. These millions are in motion, following the laws of history. Just as this small sect grew from seven unknown men to a movement of
1577.3 million so, too, I swear to you, will this movement of1577.3 million grow to encompass a people of65344 million.
The parties must go! The political hacks must be thrown out of their chairs. We will give no pardon. We will not allow
GermanyAMERICA to sink into disgrace. We will give back toGermanyAMERICA a reason for its existence, a meaning to life. That is why you men and women are here, an army of two hundred thousand. Never has theReichMAGA capital seen a popular movement of such force. You have come here from everywhere. The middle class has come from the west, the workers from the east and north. You have come from dark and joyless apartment houses. MyS. A.PROUD BOY comrades are before me, heads high, as if they were the kings ofGermanyAMERICA.
I know, comrades, that there are some among you who do not know where tomorrow’s meal will come from. We have shown these materialist party hacks that idealism is alive in
We have shown them that even in the midst of hunger, sacrifice, and need, the people can be shown the way to betterment. We pledge loyalty to this people. We solemnly raise our hands and pledge:
As long as we breathe, we are obligated to the
GermanAMERICAN people.
We came from the people, and return ever to it. The people is the center of all things to us. We sacrifice for this people, and if necessary are ready to die for it.
Loyalty to the people, loyalty to the idea, loyalty to the movement, and loyalty to the
FührerLEADER! That is our pledge as we shout:
FührerLEADER and our party—Hail victory!
Goebbels died with his wife Magda in a dank Berlin bunker after they poisoned their children.
He shot himself in the head after killing his wife, who said she could not live in a world without national socialism.
The excerpts of the speech above speak for themselves.
Perhaps it will help people understand the MAGA danger a bit better.
Can you find the denunciations of the globalists whom Goebbels called “internationalists?”
Can you find the calls for revenge?
Can you find the similarities?
I see them. I don’t believe I’m imagining them, but you tell me.
The Nazis’ promised strength and prosperity. Instead, they shattered the world, but that came later.
Two years after this speech, Jews lost their German citizenship, property and rights.
Four years after this speech, an enthralled world came to the 1936 Berlin Olympics, and many were dazzled.
Six years after this speech, the pogrom remembered as Kristallnacht swept Germany.
Seven years after this speech, Germany invaded Poland.
Ten years after this speech, the final solution to the Jewish question was settled at a 90-minute meeting in Wannsee, where the Holocaust was planned.
Fifteen years after this speech, Germany was destroyed. As many as 80 to 100 million people were dead around the world.
Heil Trump, indeed.

Steve Schmidt
Steve Schmidt is a political analyst for MSNBC and NBC News. He served as a political strategist for George W. Bush and the John McCain presidential campaign. Schmidt is a founder of The Lincoln Project, a group founded to campaign against former President Trump. It became the most financially successful Super-PAC in American history, raising almost $100 million to campaign against Trump's failed 2020 re-election bid. He left the group in 2021.