Freshman Democratic Congressman Maxwell Frost of Florida was given an opportunity to speak to the crowd attending the Paramore concert in Washington, D.C. on Friday night and he offered just one word to Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis and the fascist policies he has pushed as the governor of the Sunshine State.
“Fuck Ron DeSantis! Fuck fascism!” said Frost when handed the microphone by lead vocalist Halyey Williams during the show at the Capitol One Center.
Holy shit. Maxwell Frost appeared at a Paramore concert last night & his first words on stage were “fuck Ron DeSantis.” The crowd went absolutely wild. Gen Z will make Ron DeSantis’s life miserable & will never allow him to be president. Watch 👇
— Victor Shi (@Victorshi2020) June 3, 2023
Frost, currently the youngest member of Congress at 26-years-old, has been an outspoken critic of DeSantis for his attacks on public education, a relentless targeting of the LGBTQI+ community, book banning, and his regressive economic policies.
“I said what I said,” Maxwell tweeted later in the night. The congressman also responded to right-wing critics who denounced him for using the harsh word as he brushed off any concerns.
lol they’re so mad 😂😂
— Maxwell Alejandro Frost (@MaxwellFrostFL) June 3, 2023
In March, Frost said it was important to call DeSantis out for what he is. “He is abusing his power and using the state to target political opponents and political enemies,” Frost said. “And there’s a word for that, and it’s fascism, and we have to be honest about it.”
Frost, a musician himself, performed and danced with the Tennessee-based band during Friday night’s show to loud applause from the youthful audience.
Very grateful for this moment. I’ve been practicing in the shower for YEARS
— Maxwell Alejandro Frost (@MaxwellFrostFL) June 3, 2023
“Do you see this?” Williams asked the crowd after the lawmaker’s remarks. “Do you see the future right here?”
Republished with permission from Common Dreams

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