November 5th: The Great Freedom Election

by | Aug 4, 2024 | Progress & Solutions

Kamala Harris at an Iowa Democrats Hall of Fame Celebration in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Sunday. June 9, 2019. Photo: Lorie Shaull, Wiki Commons

November 5th: The Great Freedom Election

by | Aug 4, 2024 | Progress & Solutions

Kamala Harris at an Iowa Democrats Hall of Fame Celebration in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Sunday. June 9, 2019. Photo: Lorie Shaull, Wiki Commons

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Things are looking up on this Saturday in August. Winning against Trump is a moral necessity, and Kamala Harris, the vice president of the United States of America is getting it done.

Republished with permission from Steve Schmidt

The good news keeps on getting better. Yesterday, it was announced that David Plouffe, former top political advisor to President Obama, Stephanie Cutter, one of the most accomplished political strategists in the history of the business, and political advertising genius Jim Margolis have joined the Harris campaign.

A few weeks back, the Democratic Party was defeated and hopeless. Today, it has broken out and is winning. It is now helmed by a team of winners who know how to keep the Trump fascists on defense. Cutter was the architect of the Democrats’ 2020 Covid convention, which was a communications masterpiece put together under the most extraordinarily difficult conditions imaginable.

She has the ball yet again for the Democratic National Convention in 16 days. Unlike the Trump fiasco, there will be no Jim Jones aesthetic, rambling monologues, D-list wrestlers, washed-up porn stars, wife beaters or other weirdos preaching a gutter gospel of bigotry, retribution or malice. It may seem crazy to say this in 2024 after nine long years of the Trump era, but America is getting ready to move forward. Once again, fate has intervened and proved Churchill correct in his observation that Americans will always do the right thing after exhausting all of the alternatives.

None of this is meant to suggest that the fight for the soul and future of this country will be easy or without hard days and hopeless moments. The good news is that the Harris campaign is rigged for rough seas and winning. It has the right people in place to make the magic happen.

Bruce Springsteen talks about this. He says the magic happens when physics gets bent, and 1 + 1 = 3. It’s how rock ‘n roll gets made, and there is no rock ‘n roll without freedom.

This is the great freedom election.

I don’t want religious extremists empowered in a corrupt political bargain to assert power over me, my family, specifically my daughters, your daughters or any American. No.

I do not want the United States to insult and demean our allies, who share our values and make us stronger against great danger.

I do not want a rapist standing behind a podium emblazoned with the Seal of the President of the United States of America.

I do not want a pathological liar and felon serving as commander in chief of the world’s most potent military and nuclear arsenal.

When an American soldier is laid to rest under an American flag that is presented to their survivors, I don’t want it to be offered in the name of an irredeemable scumbag who desecrated the honor, sacrifices and heroism of America’s fighting men and women. The idea that he represents the grateful nation is appalling.

I do not want a cruel man who fantasizes about killing and shooting Americans.

I do not want a president of the United States who calls my fellow Americans his enemies.

I do not want a racist president.

I do not want any of the cast of weirdos and reprobates around Trump from JD Vance to Stephen Miller to Boris Epshteyn, or a thousand others walking in the White House gates, making decisions—ever.

It is time to blow the national whistle. America is moving forward. Spread the word. The bloated duffer dropping mulligans like he dropped the ball during Covid is alternately incoherent, insane, nonsensical and deeply menacing. He is a venomous clown, surrounded by a nest of scheming vipers who want power to take things from you.

Stop them.

You can do it.

Get involved.

Volunteer. Make phone calls. Knock on doors. Donate to the Harris campaign. To the skeptics, I will say that she may not be perfect, but she’s kicking Trump’s ass like very few of the boys have ever been able to do.

Trump is a schlub, meeting every definition of the word, and his ‘schlubbery’ has conditioned the country to a type of twilight darkness where there is no visible grace, joy, optimism or style. In this light, there is only grimness. Only Trump.

Many years ago, the great Mr. Pitt of “Seinfeld” reminded Elaine Benes that one either has grace or does not.

Donald Trump and JD Vance have no grace.

Kamala Harris has grace.

America deserves grace.

Lastly, I have long said that I don’t see how you can compromise with fascists, which Trump, JD Vance and MAGA certainly are. However, I can see a possibility starting to reveal itself.

Trump can have a plaque for Mar-a-Lago and hang it on the patio wall. It could read under the National Historical Places stamp:

Here is the greatest assemblage of weirdos at the epicenter of American weirdness in the third decade of the 21st century.

Things are looking up on this Saturday in August.

Winning against Trump is a moral necessity, and the vice president of the United States of America is getting it done.

Help her.

Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt is a political analyst for MSNBC and NBC News. He served as a political strategist for George W. Bush and the John McCain presidential campaign. Schmidt is a founder of The Lincoln Project, a group founded to campaign against former President Trump. It became the most financially successful Super-PAC in American history, raising almost $100 million to campaign against Trump's failed 2020 re-election bid. He left the group in 2021.

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