Russian Fact Hero Marina Ovsyannikova

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Fact Heroes

Marina Ovsyannikova in her brilliant 4 seconds on Russian State TV

Russian Fact Hero Marina Ovsyannikova

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Fact Heroes

Marina Ovsyannikova in her brilliant 4 seconds on Russian State TV

Marina Ovsyannikova placed herself at great risk to get out a message of truth about the Ukraine war on Russian State TV.

Fact Hero, Marina Ovsyannikova protested the Russian invasion of Ukraine by walking onto the set of a  live broadcast Monday night, shouting “Stop the war. No to War,” while holding the antiwar sign, The Guardian reported.

The sign said “No War,” followed by “Don’t believe the propaganda. They’re lying to you here,” according to the Guardian’s English translation, then “Russians against the war,” in English.

Knowing that she would immediately be detained for her actions, Ovsyannikova also pre-recorded a video statement in which she encouraged Russians to join antiwar protests. “They can’t arrest all of us” she courageously states. Ovsyannikova also expressed shame for working for Channel One and spreading “Kremlin propaganda.”

She was fined 30,000 rubles after appearing in court Tuesday for the publication of the video.

That may be only the beginning of the punishment she may have to face. She is being investigated under the new law passed by Putin which makes it a crime to publish “false information,” anything which contradicts the government and is punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

Marina Ovsyannikova is now an object lesson of the rights to protest and demonstrate that we take for granted in our nation.

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