What No One Wants to Confront About the Neera Tanden Nomination Noise

by | Feb 25, 2021 | Politics, Corruption & Criminality

What No One Wants to Confront About the Neera Tanden Nomination Noise

by | Feb 25, 2021 | Politics, Corruption & Criminality

More ink and pixels are being expended every day over the nomination of Neera Tanden to run the Office of Management and Budget.
More ink and pixels are being expended every day over the nomination of Neera Tanden to run the Office of Management and Budget. Neera Tanden it turns out has what some think is a bad habit of being outspoken. Most of the people doing the objecting are Republican Senators, with one exception.

First, Republicans objecting to someone calling people out with “mean tweets” would frankly be hilarious except for the 4-year barrage of mean tweets these same people had apparently no problems with.

Now let’s take a look at the lone Democratic Senator objecting to Neera Tanden. What’s the deal here. Senator Joe Manchin (D) of West Virginia is objecting to this nomination but for much more disingenuous reasons.

Newsweek has a story that Neera Tanden criticized Heather Bresch of Mylan Pharma for her massive salary increase a few years back. Mylan ran the price of EpiPens up to $600 per unit and engaged in all manner of anti-competitive behaviors. Well, Heather Bresch’s father is Joe Manchin.

Thanks to Newsweek for exposing this factor. The Republican factor we can understand (sort of). Raising objections to critical tweets is something these folks have wanted to do for over four years but were just too frightened of their own shadows, and of course the ill will of Trump.

But Manchin’s actions now look much more like petty revenge for a slight against his daughter.

If an unpleasant odor rises from this whole affair, it should. As with almost every other pharma company, the word cartel is better used when describing Mylan’s business practices with regards to their pricing and actions taken against competition.

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