Trump’s Ship, the SS Orange Fascist Is Running Aground

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge, Unsplash

Trump’s Ship, the SS Orange Fascist Is Running Aground

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

Photo by K. Mitch Hodge, Unsplash

Trump is losing. He is growing more and more unstable, and though he will go, it will not be gently into the night.

Republished with permission from Steve Schmidt

The Donald lacks dignity, respect and grace. Though his Little Eichmann, Steven Cheung, denies the slur, of course Donald Trump routinely refers to the vice president of the United States as a “bitch.”

Apparently, “bitch” continues to be the word of choice for entitled dauphins like Trump, who has never held a hammer in his life, describing formidable women who are shrewder, smarter and tougher than the gelatinous orange creature from reality television.

The New York Times just fronted a story teasing the return of Kellyanne Conway to helm the crippled SS orange fascist. Even though the self-serving Conway has demurred for now, her lurking in the wings is a marker of discontent about the imploded campaign. It will only worsen, and as the conditions deteriorate, it will bring out the worst instincts and impulses by some of the worst people who have ever worked in American politics. They will become paranoid, and the paranoia will make them tired in an enterprise in which fatigue can cause disasters. They will become angry, irrational and more completely devoted to the growing madness of mad, mad, mad King Donald, the last emperor of Mar-a-Lago. Someday, people will talk about this while scuba diving in the ruins, and wonder why someone with so much highly-leveraged beachfront property didn’t do anything about global warming during his accidental presidency.

According to The New York Times, Donald Trump was seated at a fundraiser next to America’s most unctuous billionaire Bill Ackman, who is a perfect case study for why brilliance in one thing is no determinant in anything else. The investor played the political markets, and bought into the America’s fascist bund with explosive cynicism at the exact micro- second the MAGA apogee was achieved before the plummet began.

I wonder what they talked about.

Did Bill Ackman ask what it feels like to “grab a woman by the pussy” or rape one?

Did he talk about near-death experiences in helicopters?

Did Trump say anything specific about his plans for revenge, retribution, and punishment against his political opponents, whom he routinely labels “enemies?”

Did Trump share tales of his personal growth after the assassination attempt?

What was “New Trump” like?

Did he talk about what a genius Putin is? How about Xi?

Did he talk about stripping America’s women of reproductive healthcare rights?

Did he talk about government-mandated pregnancies?

Did he talk about the total weirdness of his fascist running mate, the first incel to run with an orange American at the top of the ticket?

Did he talk about his disgust for wounded American soldiers? Did he talk about plans to deploy the military against the American people?

Did Trump mention his pride around ending the 217-year-long tradition of a peaceful transition of power in the United States?

Recently, while making a grand pronouncement about endorsing the mentally ill man who incited an insurrection, Bill Ackman said on X that he would soon write his treatise letting the world know why:

Now that he has had so much time for chit chat with The Donald surely the moment must be close at hand.

What is it exactly?

The best part about VP Harris and her rocket ship isn’t lighting up all the cynicism, greed and bullshit below it.

Trump is losing.

He is growing unstable, and though he will go, it will not be gently into the night.

Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt is a political analyst for MSNBC and NBC News. He served as a political strategist for George W. Bush and the John McCain presidential campaign. Schmidt is a founder of The Lincoln Project, a group founded to campaign against former President Trump. It became the most financially successful Super-PAC in American history, raising almost $100 million to campaign against Trump's failed 2020 re-election bid. He left the group in 2021.

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