Florida's legislature refused to act on DeSantis's orders, belatedly remembering they’re a co-equal branch of government, channeled their inner Bugs Bunny, and proclaimed, “Of course, you realize this means war!”
There is no more important message that could be delivered to the American people in 2025 than the ones JFK was set to deliver on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
It is hard to overstate how insane our current position is as a nation, a world power. A convicted criminal and wanton dictator is now officially in charge and he's abandoning all pretense of governing and instead trying to rule.
America is full-on masculine again: guns, boots, trucks, well-done 48 oz. steaks, bad beer, misogyny, rage, violence, imperialism. Daddy’s got a big belt and he’s not afraid to use it.
In the face of a growing fascist threat from Trump and his captive GOP, America desperately needs Democratic politicians who can lead, inspire, and energize.
America isn’t just some New Jersey casino, Florida country club, or New York City high-rise that a madman and his kids get to stick their names on and suck dry for their benefit.
What better image of a macabre inauguration day than that of gazillionaire nerd and Trump best buddy Elmo Musk shooting out a virulent arm, twice, in a Nazi salute to dubiously declare the election "no ordinary victory."
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stood in a Washington, DC cathedral and did the one thing spiritual leaders are here to do: she let her faith speak unequivocally—pushback, conflict, and retribution be damned.
Day one of Trump's launch of his empire of self-aggrandizement has passed, with dry, uninspired oratory, a flood of bile and executive orders—and the launch of his own wife's crypto coin grift.
Evil doesn’t negotiate—it devours. That is the peril of trusting Republicans with America’s future. The GOP isn’t interested in Democracy, and it’s time to wake up.
Compassion is the defiant, relentless, rebellious burden that will not allow us to turn away when someone is hurting—and there are so many who are hurting right now.
A single memo launched the Republican strategy to control media, courts, and public opinion, reshaping American democracy. Democrats have a ton of work to do to reclaim it.