After Trump’s Address: A Glimmer of Hope

by | Mar 9, 2025 | Opinions & Commentary

Photo by Alexander Mils, Unsplash

After Trump’s Address: A Glimmer of Hope

by | Mar 9, 2025 | Opinions & Commentary

Photo by Alexander Mils, Unsplash

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Donald Trump is at the height of his power. It must be brought to heel. The way to do that is with a full-throated embrace of American values, ideas and ideals.

Republished with permission from Steve Schmidt

Last night, Donald Trump delivered the longest and most insanely boring presidential address to the United States Congress in American history.

It was cheap, grandiose, blustering and exploitive. Only the sickest of sick narcissists could possibly declare that they were “saved by God to save America,” while pretending to console grief on national television with words written for him by Stephen Miller.

The spectacle of the evening evidences America’s decay. The MAGA side of the room is a gang of teenagers, overcome with their fandom for an idol who has become their golden calf.

Donald Trump is their king. They will do anything for him. They will tolerate any abuse, corruption, treachery, betrayal or injury to the American people or humanity to remain by his side, and have the opportunity to rise up and down and up and down and clap and clap and clap like Mike Johnson.

Last night, the MAGA majority showed who they were.

Donald Trump said that he must raise taxes to lower prices. They cheered.

Donald Trump said that prices are going up so that they can go down later. They cheered.

Donald Trump lied. They cheered.

Donald Trump said that up was down, and down was up, that red was blue and blue was red. They cheered and cheered because America is becoming “great again.”

Donald Trump said Canada is a threat. They cheered.

They cheered when Trump called for strength hours after his sidekick, the Silicon Yale-billy fraud, JD Vance, suckled as a young demagogue on Peter Thiel’s teat to the tune of $15 million, called Great Britain “some random country,” while disparaging the British Army:

Hours later, the MAGA Congress cheered and cheered, and then laughed with Trump in the face of America’s sad Secretary of State, a global circus clown, a humiliated PUTA with a blue and white jet, who has been tasked with violating international law, American law, international treaties and common sense to overturn a decision made almost 50 years ago that was 30 years in the making.

Secretary Little Marco will either “make America great again” by delivering Trump the Panama Canal—or else. LOL.

The entire evening was an obscenity. Please remember that all over the world there are soon going to be starving children dying, while American aid rots on warehouse shelves so that we can be “great again.”

The catastrophe is coming. Let us hope that it will be long remembered in the aftermath, lest it be repeated anytime soon.

The richest man in the world arrived at the Capitol, 1,519 days after it was assaulted by Trump’s mob of pardoned criminals, in the world’s most splendid coach—‘The Beast’—the armored limousine of the president of the United States.

Musk, the Nazi, who revealed his affinity for evil in this devastating moment below, was cheered and cheered and cheered in the gallery by the MAGA Congress that holds the constitutional responsibilities of the purse in the American government. This cannot be outsourced to techno fascists and teenagers.

Musk is a supporter of the anti-American, anti-NATO, pro-Russia AfD extremist party in Germany that is filled with Nazis in its leadership. A common practice within the AfD membership is facial scarring, where a party member draws a knife across their face to show blood devotion to the party.

This is what Musk is for, and the MAGA Congress cheers and cheers.

Musk and his agents are assaulting the national parks. They are firing the nation’s park rangers, soil scientists, arborists and entire categories of experts that have a millennium of experience preserving the magnificence of the gifts of which we are temporary stewards.

The sight of the richest man in the world being hailed and cheered as he treats ordinary Americans, including Trump voters, as insects was a truly sickening scene.

More than anything, what I saw last night was a sickening affair.

It was a tragic scene and an embarrassing one.

The corruption of it all is unspeakable, but the lies sustaining it are not unstoppable.

The American people will feel tremendous pain over the next two years. They should clean house on November 3, 2026.

By the way, who is going to primary this fool, who served Trump’s interest last night as surely as Little Marco

Remember this video?

It’s the cane again!

Do you feel inspired?

I’ll tell you what I felt hopeful about. This woman: Senator Elise Slotkin.


More please.

Please watch:

The Democratic Party must find its way back to the American people and normalcy.

This is what normalcy looks like.

Donald Trump is at the height of his power. It must be brought to heel. The way to do that is with a full-throated embrace of American values, ideas and ideals.


Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt is a political analyst for MSNBC and NBC News. He served as a political strategist for George W. Bush and the John McCain presidential campaign. Schmidt is a founder of The Lincoln Project, a group founded to campaign against former President Trump. It became the most financially successful Super-PAC in American history, raising almost $100 million to campaign against Trump's failed 2020 re-election bid. He left the group in 2021.

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