
How About a National Ghost a Bully Day?

How About a National Ghost a Bully Day?

There is no liability to anyone who ignores the rantings of a psychotic bully. Quite the contrary. You get to do your job and enjoy your day without a nutcase borrowing space in your head.
The Travesty of the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

The Travesty of the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

The [Kyle Rittenhouse] verdict, said the Huber family, sends the "unacceptable message" that armed vigilantes can "use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street."
Republicans and Qanon — Turning Crazy Into a Brand

Republicans and Qanon — Turning Crazy Into a Brand

Nothing coming from the Q "channel" actually makes sense. And that is pretty much the point. Qanon isn't so much a movement, but a way of capturing the attention of people who are either entire uneducated or incapable of rudimentary critical thinking.
The Racism of Jim Crow Followed Black Soldiers to England in WW II

The Racism of Jim Crow Followed Black Soldiers to England in WW II

The racism instilled in white American soldiers during WWII was not left behind when Black soldiers were readily and happily accepted by British civilians. In one long-buried incident, this tension resulted in a pitched battle between Black soldiers and white MPs.
Steve Bannon and the Truth About the Alt-Right

Steve Bannon and the Truth About the Alt-Right

There is no difference between Nazi, white supremacist, KKK, Proud Boy, Oath Keeper, Three Percenter—except spelling. With "alt-right" Bannon essentially rebranded hate for anything not white or "Christian."
Are We Being Scammed about Inflation?

Are We Being Scammed about Inflation?

Corporate boards have one job and one job only: make money for their shareholders. Thus raising the prices we pay for their goods and services is where "inflation" actually starts even though it is a lazy way of increasing returns.
A Way Out of the Curated Video Hall of Mirrors

A Way Out of the Curated Video Hall of Mirrors

We are being played through curated videos created by professionals and amateurs who want us emotionally reacting to things, not thinking about them or solving them, simply reacting to them.
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