Dear President Biden... First let me express my gratitude to you, Vice President Harris, and the other members of your Administration for bringing common sense, decency, and respect for life back to the White House.
Racism is interacting with an individual or group in a way that is influenced by assumptions about them that are based on their perceived race, whether that perception is based on physical appearance, language, style, religion, or other factors.
Republicans have chosen consistently to narrow their platform to be less inclusive, and to continue to try to win elections by preventing people, especially minorities and poorer demographics from voting.
A strong argument could be made for the claim that many of Trump’s supporters are racist, and also probably for the claim that racists are more likely to support Trump than to support any other political leader.
It’s certainly true that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t tell you that you have to wear a face mask. There are lots of things that the U.S. Constitution does not expressly forbid, including grand theft auto and murder.
Just because a person might seem to agree with you on one issue does not make them your friend. And the fact that someone disagrees with you on one issue should not make them your enemy.
Let’s grant for the sake of argument that politicians don’t always tell the truth. It’s still necessary to recognize that there are different kinds of lies.
The basis of herd immunity is that a person cannot be infected twice by the same virus, so once someone has had the disease it will never happen again. But this assumption has not been proven.
People have a natural tendency to seek balance, and most of us would rather stand aside from a conflict than jump into it. One way to do that is to choose not to take sides. Sometimes that’s the right thing to do, sometimes it isn’t.
There are issues related to Donald Trump’s presidency which are not in any way political, and which define the more fundamental divide between those who follow him and those who do not.