What the hell is going on in our nation’s newsrooms? WHAT can they possibly be covering that is more important than the most serious internal threat to America since the Civil War?
D. Earl Stephens
Retired four-star Admiral Mike Mullen, the Military's former top officer slams Trump for 'intruding' and 'visiting politics' on Arlington National Cemetery.
TRUMP: You need to straighten out whatever the hell is happening out on the campaign trail right now, and get back women’s support for me, because there is NO WAY I am losing to one of them, YOU HEAR ME????
Two-plus months from now Trump will still be an appalling, dirty old man incapable of telling the truth. Harris will still be the ascending public servant who represents the change the majority of America so desperately needs.
After four days, it was clear as day to any rational person, that Democrats stand up for Democracy. They have taken back "freedom," "patriotism" and the flag back from those who wrapped themselves in those ideals while attacking them.
Nobody will ever know exactly what happened to ultimately change Joe Biden’s mind about running, but Nancy Pelosi’s fingerprints were all over the scene of the switch.
Donald Trump once again insults our greatest military heroes, and refuses to apologize.
Democrats just destroyed the GOP at the ballot box again Tuesday night, and are licking their chops to finish the job behind Kamala Harris in November.