As America is walks backward into what looks like a dark future. It’s sadly fitting that one of the best people in American politics died just before the presidency falls into the hands of one of the worst.
Florida Phoenix
DeSantis filed a 20-page petition with the Florida Supreme Court to assemble a grand jury to investigate crimes related to the use of COVID vaccines. The result was pretty much the opposite of what he wanted.
While most Florida politicians push fossil fuels, Dixie County made the switch to a much cheaper and much cleaner energy source.
No matter how much these book-banners try to shield their children from reality. Everyone eventually crashes into it. The question is: Will they be equipped to handle it?
This is what you voted for, America: ignorant bullies, junior despots, petty mediocrities who take pleasure in others’ suffering. They’re Mean Girls and Mean Girls don’t do public service.
The Loper Bright ruling opens more federal rules to those court challenges. Blue states now have a new weapon to fight conservative federal rules on issues such as immigration, climate change, abortion access and civil rights.
Authoritarians always love the poorly educated and the mis-educated. The well-educated, the readers, the questioners, those who demand evidence, gather facts, and trust verifiable information (as opposed to propaganda) are a threat.
Press freedom groups also worry that Trump’s promises to use the federal bureaucracy to seek retribution against perceived enemies would extend to journalists.
The winner of this election is also the candidate who claims climate change is a hoax. So, it won't take too much imagination to predict what he will do to make the environment worse.
Goodbye to America defining itself as a Beacon of Hope, the Light of Freedom, or any of that other stuff they told you in 3rd grade.
Ron DeSantis is running a desperate and oft-times illegal campaign against ballot measure Amendment 4 which would restore abortion rights in Florida.
The Dirty Money Project is a searchable database to track donations to Florida politicians from polluting industries such as Big Sugar, the agricultural industry, phosphate miners, major utilities, developers and even the sneaky “polluter PACs."
Florida’s honors college has been remade according to a white supremacist, anti-diversity, hate-driven vision for higher education.
Tell me again why we should worry about American men’s fragile egos and tormented souls when they spend their lives trying to control our bodies?
El Jefe DeSantis is an outlier in the abortion battle. Most Republicans, especially former President Donald Trump, have been running away from anything to do with reproductive justice as if they were set on fire.
Everyone knows Republicans condemn violence, except against Enemies of America such as poll workers, Capitol cops, women needing abortions, Black men driving cars, students protesting genocide in Gaza, and Mike Pence.