Taraji P. Henson did more to publicize Project 2025 than anyone prior to her BET Awards appearance. She performed a vital public service because everyone needs to know what Trump has in store for us.
New College president Corcoran used the Elmer Fudd approach to problems: “Be vewwwy vewwwy quiet.” Right after the students left campus for the summer, machines rumbled in began knocking trees down like so many bowling pins.
In giving immunity to Trump, the majority of the Supreme Court is merely fulfilling the mission laid out for them by their friends at the Heritage Foundation in their Project 2025.
I got on to God and said, OK, sure, don’t commit adultery, but shouldn’t there be some amendments, like what if your wife just had a baby, and some hot porn star who looks like your very voluptuous daughter is ready and willing?
Florida's political mouthpieces have been pushing natural gas for power generation, ignoring the fact that the cost has doubled. Meanwhile utilities are moving to a free and unlimited energy source—the sun.
The irredeemably petty DeSantis is scared—scared of scholars, artists, and educators. When authoritarians get scared, they lash out—in this case, the effect is a bit like a cornered and angry chihuahua.
Authoritarianism has become weirdly attractive to some voters in America and across the Atlantic. Maybe they think it’s the best way to stop the world from changing.
The Rice’s whale is the only one that lives entirely in the Gulf of Mexico—a species definitely endangered. And Matt Gaetz wants Congress to OK the military bombing the heck out of them.
Florida’s mini-Mussolini has inspired the Conservatives to embrace stupid schemes, such as a rule forbidding schools to teach about where babies come from to any kid under 9, which apparently doesn’t happen anyway.
Republicans hoping to be Trump's VP pick took turns violating Trump's gag order on his behalf, ignoring the GOP's long-term effort to call itself the "law and order party."
Anti-abortion forces, white evangelicals and others have made it clear that political ideology is much more important than women’s lives and that women have little value in their world.
Trump vowed that on his first day in office, he plans to roll out a massive deportation effort. And he plans to give police immunity from prosecution to prevent them from having answer for any "mistakes" they make.