Trump hates mail-in ballots and the GOP has echoed him, until now. The RNC has changed its tune and is pushing a "bank your vote" early voting mail-in campaign for the 2024 election.
Florida Phoenix
Florida's legislature passed a hurricane relief bill blocks local governments from making wiser land use regulations after the extreme destruction of Hurricane Ian.
Florida's Scott, Trump, Rubio, and DeSantis all claim to love Jesus. Non-wingnut Christians frown on collective punishment, guilt by association, and indiscriminate slaughter of non-combatants, but End Times folks are OK with all of that.
In a tortured shredding of logic, attorneys for Ron DeSantis are trying to defend his gerrymandered destruction of a black majority district by comparing the restoration of it to apartheid.
Ron DeSantis spoke at the Koch-funded Heritage Foundation to clearly delineate how far out of his depth he is on foreign policy issues.
Florida isn't convincing the best and brightest to come teach or study here and too many of the best and brightest already here are getting out.
DeSantis is using the horror of the Israel-Hamas war as a campaign stunt, to protect Florida from non-existence violence and calling himself the “most pro-Israel governor” in the country.
Joseph Ladapo has a distinguished past as part of the quack group "America's Frontline Doctors" with their crazed ideas for combating COVID. As Florida's Surgeon General, he is still against prevention ideas like vaccines and boosters.
In Texas recently, DeSantis was completely serious about calling for more burning more fossil fuels as a way to battle climate change. It’s like saying you’ll fight a flood by pouring more water on it.
DeSantis and his cronies claim they have passed bills that are "pro-educator." Teachers and their unions disagree, characterizing them as direct attacks.
In a variety of Republican-led state legislatures, members are taking overt and covert actions designed to protect their majorities from voters whom they fear—correctly—want to vote them out.
Along with voting rights, DeSantis and the malleable Florida Legislature have cracked down on political protest, asylum seekers, the LGBTQ, abortion rights and more.
However gauche, ignorant, and objectionable Rick Scott may be, Dems shouldn’t get too excited about their chances. Floridians have no trouble electing gauche, ignorant and objectionable candidates.
In the face of a new increase in COVID cases, Ron DeSantis and his anti-vax surgeon general are once again spreading disinformation about protection against new variants.
These days, Florida is going backwards. Our government is increasingly secretive, increasingly authoritarian, and increasingly racist. The state is channeling Alabama c. 1965. We even have our own George Wallace.
The Earth is being held hostage by the party of ignorance, “conservatives” who no longer want to conserve anything other than white privilege.