OtherWords — Institute for Policy Studies

Republicans Focus on Gutting Medicare and Social Security

Republicans Focus on Gutting Medicare and Social Security

Republicans plan to destroy Medicare and Social Security because their fondest wish is to protect the wealth of the rich. Thus they are prepared to ignore the preference of three-quarters of Americans, including their own voters.
The Other Missing Human Right in America: Clean Tap Water

The Other Missing Human Right in America: Clean Tap Water

The ongoing water insecurity in Jackson, Mississippi exemplifies the threat to poor communities and people of color. In late August, Jackson’s largest water treatment plant collapsed from severe flooding worsened by climate change.
Why Biden’s Student Loan Debt Relief Is a Big Deal

Why Biden’s Student Loan Debt Relief Is a Big Deal

Before graduating, every senior who received financial aid had to listen to a financial aid officer put the fear of God into them about what would happen if they ever defaulted on their student load debt payments.
How Do We Prevent an American Theocracy?

How Do We Prevent an American Theocracy?

How do we undo this? Republicans spent decades cheating their way to a right-wing Supreme Court majority that enacts an extremist agenda, rather than interpreting the law.
Is It Time to Reform the Supreme Court?

Is It Time to Reform the Supreme Court?

Unelected judges shouldn’t have the power to take away rights most Americans support. The Constitution begins with “We the People...” because we are ultimately responsible for realizing its promise.