There have been many positive movements in history, but somehow, we have to balance out and exceed the negative vibe on the planet and plan our own futures.
Atonement is not simply just recanting your transgressions but doing something about them. But what makes it even cooler is tracing back a definition that is obsolete. To atone meant to bring into unity, or harmony. It meant to create unity.
For those of you not familiar with the Jewish New Year, it is just what it is. Jews have been around for five thousand seven hundred eighty-four years and we ain’t going anywhere.
Suddenly I got the idea, to treat my neighborhood as if I were in a small town, where everyone knew each other. As I walked down the street, I treated each person I saw with a greeting.
Politicians and lawyers are number one and two on the Most Hated Professions List. Imagine that! We are ruled by people we hate to be. What does this say about our so-called society and civilization.
Did you know that dream in its earliest conception means to sing, rejoice, and make music? So let us dream together to build a better society, a true civilization where all are free and equal.
Living on planet earth should be a fun experience, not one filled with violence, hunger, and subjugation. How do we get this across to our fellow humans?
Growing up, I thought aliens came from outer space. I had no notion about aliens being immigrants. For the longest time I thought the aliens who lived next door came from another planet.
Politics is like talking to yourself only stupider. Politics never seems to get out of its own way and never poses solutions for problems and is just a problem unto itself.
Happiness, your happiness and that of your friends, family and neighbors depend upon you creating happiness. Now, that’s not too onerous a task for humanity, is it?
How about we decide to end the individuation about surviving and just find points of agreement and work the f*ck together. Heck, maybe if we just pulled it off once it could become a habit.
On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, no more blind eyes are allowed. We must be accountable for the past, the present and the future. If that means shining the light of truth on centuries of prejudice, so be it.