Lucian K. Truscott IV

Biden or Trump: Who’s the Biggest Scandal?

Biden or Trump: Who’s the Biggest Scandal?

Who’s the scandal here? The man all the pundits thought should pull out of the race ten minutes into the debate on June 27? Or the convicted felon whom practically none of the pundits have called on to retire his candidacy.
No, the Delaware River Is Not Running Backwards

No, the Delaware River Is Not Running Backwards

To believe all the bullshit being cranked out by Trump and the Republicans, to believe they are all-powerful, to believe a Republican victory in November is inevitable, you’d have to believe that the Delaware River is running backwards. It’s not.
Was Joe Biden’s ABC News Interview Enough?

Was Joe Biden’s ABC News Interview Enough?

Democrats have six weeks until the convention to dismiss their circular firing squad and get on with the business of making that convention about beating Donald Trump, not defending Joe Biden.
Time to Grow a Spine, Democrats

Time to Grow a Spine, Democrats

Democrats should take a page out of the Republican playbook. They don’t care if Trump’s a felon and a liar and an out-of-control lunatic who makes up weird shit and spews it out of his mouth like a firehose—sharks and electric boats, anyone?
What Is It That Makes a MAGA?

What Is It That Makes a MAGA?

To MAGA is to follow, unquestioningly and absolutely. It is why one of our two political parties has ceased being either political or a party, turning itself, openly and brazenly, into a cult. 
Who the Hell Wants to Visit North Korea?

Who the Hell Wants to Visit North Korea?

Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are leaders of pariah nations, unwelcome in capitals around the world by anyone other than fellow pariah leaders. North Korea is one of the few nations where Putin can land the Russian version of Air Force One.