Americans have been shamed into believing that belonging to the working class is tantamount to admitting failure, that workers are only workers because they are not willing to try harder to succeed.
Michael Gene Sullivan
Being stopped by the cops is not supposed to be a life-threatening event. But even in "progressive" San Francisco, things can and have gone very wrong.
Resisting arrest is just an arbitrary, catch-all charge that can be applied to anyone, anywhere when confronted by the police, and should it be abolished as a crime.
Mankind hasn't been the kindest to the environment or other species on Earth. How we'll be when we fully launch into space could be really dangerous for other worlds.
As a Black person, periodically the statement will come up that all of us oppressed folks are descended from kings and queens. What's wrong with being descended from working folks?
We have let into our lives “machine men with machine minds,” people who see us as statistics. We have given these people power and thus they have successfully taken advantage of our desire to connect with each other.
Michael dies. Michael goes to Heaven and meets Jesus. Michael reality-checks Jesus...
The NRA and its supporters simply believe that their ability to own guns is more important than the lives of your children. Your children. Perhaps theirs, but definitely yours.