Carbon capture and storage, or CCS, aims to capture carbon dioxide as it emerges from smokestacks either at power plants or from industrial sources. So far, CCS at U.S. power plants has been a failure.
Climate change impacts – such as droughts, floods or storms – affect people differently depending on their wealth and access to resources and on their involvement in decision making. This brings this subject to an intersection with social justice and human rights.
Dinesh D'Souza's target readers appear not too worried about verifying facts, though they should be because his work is intended to manipulate them. His post is a clear attempt to paint attendees of COP26 Conference in a bad light and make them out to be disingenuous in their work.
There is no longer any question: These Big Oil companies knew and lied about their product's role in the climate crisis, they continue to deceive, and they must be held accountable.
Atmospheric rivers occur globally, affecting the west coasts of the world’s major land masses, including Portugal, Western Europe, Chile and South Africa. So-called “Pineapple Express” storms that carry moisture from Hawaii to the U.S. West Coast are just one of their many flavors.
As safety concerns about glyphosate herbicides mount, the practice of spraying the herbicide on many crops before harvest—and getting into food products—is under scrutiny.
Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi have been announced as winners of the 2021 Nobel Prize for Physics. The prize is awarded “for groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex physical systems.”
Today marks the passage of a $3.5 trillion dollar budget blueprint through the House The massive bill has something for everyone in a massive investment in the physical and human infrastructure of the country. No Republicans voted for this bill.
While ExxonMobil’s decades of sowing public doubt about climate science and the impact of fossil fuels have provoked various lawsuits, secretly recorded videos released Wednesday expose how the company continues to fight against U.S. efforts to tackle the climate emergency.
Plastics are very useful materials. They’ve contributed significant benefits to modern society. But the unprecedented amount of plastics produced over the past few decades has caused serious environmental pollution.
Mr. Trash Wheel is a semi-autonomous trash interceptor at the end of the Jones Fall River in Baltimore's harbor which uses a unique blend of solar and hydro power to pull hundreds of tons of trash out of the water each year.
The linchpin to Republican opposition to progressive legislation is the filibuster. Majority Leader Schumer can do it quite quickly with a vote of 51 Senators. But he has to have the 51 votes...
Percy Schmeiser was a farmer who found himself under attack by one of the largest chemical companies in the world, Monsanto. His story has been made into a major motion picture starring Christopher Walken, Christina Ricci and Zach Braff.
People have a natural tendency to seek balance, and most of us would rather stand aside from a conflict than jump into it. One way to do that is to choose not to take sides. Sometimes that’s the right thing to do, sometimes it isn’t.