The very white Conservatives who’ve been loudly sounding the alarm, are the incessantly-advancing hordes. They’re the only ones warring with Christmas because they’ve disregarded their own faith tradition’s birth story.
Read the Gospel stories of Jesus and hold those up against what organized Christianity is passing off as faithfulness these days and you'll see it clearly: there's virtually no shared resemblance.
Perhaps surprisingly, not all militia members support mass deportation, especially if it involves unconstitutionally deploying military forces on U.S. soil.
Homelessness in the U.S. is a function of poverty, not criminality, and criminalizing people experiencing homelessness in no way helps solve the problem—it just makes it worse.
The legacy of slavery is still enshrined in thousands of judicial opinions and briefs that are cited today by American judges and lawyers in cases involving everything from property rights to criminal law.
Historically, Black veterans are some of the least recognized soldiers in American military history. African Americans have fought alongside white soldiers dating back to the American Revolution.
200 years ago, welfare reformers could have turned an eye on the systemic drivers of poverty. Instead, they focused on supposed scammers who didn’t really exist.
Too many children die as the result of abuse and neglect. The hard truth is that no one is working hard to count how many of them, or what’s behind outcomes that may be largely preventable.
Even before Dobbs overturned Roe V Wade, many rural women had to travel more than 180 miles to get an abortion. And as of December 2023, over a dozen states have now lack any abortion clinic.
Trump claims he can replicate Operation Wetback on a much grander scale by setting up immigration detention centers to remove the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants now living in the U.S.
The court is considering whether criminal penalties for sleeping in public places amount to cruel and unusual punishment. But no ruling on the issues before the high court will change the nature or scope of the problem.