Human Rights & Justice

How Do We Prevent an American Theocracy?

How Do We Prevent an American Theocracy?

How do we undo this? Republicans spent decades cheating their way to a right-wing Supreme Court majority that enacts an extremist agenda, rather than interpreting the law.
Democrats Are Bickering Toward the Abyss

Democrats Are Bickering Toward the Abyss

Republican leadership across this country is declaring open war on diversity, on education, on the legitimacy of our elections. Our checks and balances have been compromised—and Democrats are warring with one another.
Is It Time to Reform the Supreme Court?

Is It Time to Reform the Supreme Court?

Unelected judges shouldn’t have the power to take away rights most Americans support. The Constitution begins with “We the People...” because we are ultimately responsible for realizing its promise.
Avoiding the Pandemic of Medical Debt

Avoiding the Pandemic of Medical Debt

If you’re worried about incurring medical debt during a health crisis or are struggling to deal with bills you already have, you’re not alone.
The Real March for Our Lives Is to the Polls

The Real March for Our Lives Is to the Polls

Marches are awe-inspiring, goosebump-inducing, breathtakingly cathartic moments. But marches don’t vote. We need to march all the way to November, all the way to the polls—and for all our lives.