Insurance coverage for abortion care in the U.S. is a hodgepodge. Patients often don’t know when or if a procedure or abortion pills are covered, and the proliferation of abortion bans has exacerbated the confusion.
Money Over People
Full-time teachers are having to take additional part-time jobs to make ends meet. So is there any question of why we have a shortage teachers?
Vincent Wasney had three epileptic seizures near the end of a Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas. While being evacuated, he received a bill for medical expenses incurred during the cruise.
Cigna tracks every minute that its staff doctors spend deciding whether to pay for health care. Dr. Debby Day said her bosses cared more about being fast than being right: “Deny, deny, deny. That’s how you hit your numbers.
Some people have all the luck ... and an outrageously large share of the wealth the rest of us have created.
A dollar by dollar look at how our taxes enrich military contractors—at the expense of things that actually make us secure.
The 2017 Republican tax law slashed the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent and failed to close loopholes that whittle down IRS bills even further. Many corporations ended up paying no federal taxes at all.
An investigation into for-profit nursing homes revealed an industry that places a premium on cost cutting and big profits, with low staffing and poor quality, often to the detriment of patient well-being.
If you're an American asthma sufferer without good insurance, an inhaler that costs $9 in Germany will cost you close to $300 here.
UnitedHealth has been facing growing criticism for dramatically overcharging the federal government and denying care claims that likely would have been approved under traditional Medicare.
Serious tax rates, apologists for our wealthy claim, can’t work. The stats suggest otherwise.
Excess corporate profits accounted for more than half of recent price increases. To stamp out inflation once and for all, we need to crack down on price gouging.
"Greedflation" rightly identifies who is responsible for this inflation crisis and opens up the range of policy solutions we have at our disposal to fight high prices and deliver relief for families.
These greedy companies drains our wallets, drills in our neighborhoods, and poisons our air, all while locking us into a future filled with climate-driven disasters.
The medical industry has eroded the Affordable Care Act's guarantees. Patients going in for preventive care, expecting that it will be fully covered, are being blindsided by bills, big and small.
The decades-long decline in corporate tax rates, justified by the bogus "trickle down" theory, has undermined the government's ability to finance critical public goods, from education to childcare.