Quick Facts

New Study Finds Republican Policies Are Killing Americans

New Study Finds Republican Policies Are Killing Americans

With the midterm elections less than two weeks away, experts say it's important for working-age Americans to know whether they are voting for officials who support Republican policies that increase the risk of early death.
The Long Reign and Enduring Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II

The Long Reign and Enduring Legacy of Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II inherited a monarchy whose political power had been steadily ebbing away since the 18th century but whose role in the public life of the nation seemed, if anything, to have grown ever more important.
How Polio Snuck Back Into the U.S.

How Polio Snuck Back Into the U.S.

The first sign of trouble surfaced when a young man in Rockland County, New York sought medical treatment for weakness and paralysis in June. By the time tests confirmed he had polio, nearly a month had passed.