The Truscott Chronicles

Vladimir Putin Just Voted Early, and Against Trump

Vladimir Putin Just Voted Early, and Against Trump

Every time one of Trump’s extravagant claims encounters reality, it’s another blow not only to his campaign. Now that he is a former president out there begging for votes, his braggadocio rings even more hollow.
Kamala Harris: “We’re not going back!”

Kamala Harris: “We’re not going back!”

The themes of the Harris campaign haven’t even begun to sink in. Wait until you see the polls after she turns “We’re not going back” into the Democrats’ slogan for 2024.
Joe Biden Has Passed the Torch—It’s up to Us Now

Joe Biden Has Passed the Torch—It’s up to Us Now

The question is, can we as Democrats put our differences aside, dismiss the circular firing squad and come together now, before the convention, and put together the kind of unified, powerful campaign that is necessary to beat Donald Trump?
A Few Thoughts on You-Know-Who and His You-Know-What

A Few Thoughts on You-Know-Who and His You-Know-What

Here's the thing about political conventions: Apart from their actual purpose, they are ridiculous exercises in excess and what we now call identity signaling. The crowd in Milwaukee, as was the crowd in Miami in 1972, relentlessly white.