There are specific and cataloged behaviors exhibited by thieves. One of those is that they feel entitled to take what is yours and claim it as theirs. And the more successful they become, the more this sense of entitlement grows and becomes something akin to righteousness.
Various societal functions exist to limit the preying of these criminals on the rest of us. The fact is that they are a small minority. But to protect themselves from them the sometimes drastic consequences they may suffer for their crimes, crooks seek to corrupt policing entities—law enforcement, courts and political officials—to their side of the fence. Those that go even into slight agreement with the thieves are then under their control. And some of these corrupted individuals go further and become full-fledged thieves themselves.
Here we have the underlying plot of most gangster movies.
But in the case of our country at this time, the thieves don’t operate out of the backroom of a decrepit social club. They operate out of luxuriously appointed board rooms. How is the robbery done? With inflated prices at the gas pump, the grocery store, the pharmacy, insurance premiums, etc., etc.
The United States enjoys the highest GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of any country in the world. But about 20 percent of it is made up of inflated profits in the healthcare sector. We have the most expensive healthcare in the world with prescription drug costs commonly ten times what is charged in other countries for the same drugs. Why? Corruption of the entities that should be preventing this kind of “your money or your life” thievery.
Medicare Advantage—ushered in by corrupt collusion between insurance companies and the second Bush administration—is robbing Medicare blind, with overbillings of about $140 billion in one year’s time. That’s money contributed to the Medicare trust fund by me and thee being stolen wholesale. That is corporate thievery affecting each and every person entitled to Medicare—which should be every man, woman and child in the country. It is an open question as to why Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have not vigorously clawed back those funds.
But these criminalities have now somehow become socially and even legally accepted, no matter their moral and ethical disgrace. How? Corruption. Whose corruption? The answers to this are pretty obvious.
We have a convicted criminal now running for the Office of President. He’s supported and backed by a political party that calls itself the “law and order” party. Nothing gets more illogical than politics sometimes, but corruption-based doublespeak makes it seem normal. Also normalizing this insanity is a media industry that insists on ignoring Trump’s crimes because his coverage attracts eyeballs and raises their ad revenue. But even this is a distraction.
The biggest corporate thieves in the world absolutely hate the idea of being regulated by such puny entities as governments. Their criminal sense of righteous entitlement is affronted by the ideas of a level playing field enforced by government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Trade Commission, SEC, FDA, FAA and others. “Government is getting in the way of business,” they scream. “They are wasting money on welfare for poor people,” is another complaint—while some of these companies like Big Oil and Big Pharma receive billions per year in subsidies and tax breaks.
Their problem is that the regulation of business and restraint of corporate excess is popular. So what’s the ultimate solution? Get rid of all this Constitutional government crap and install a dictator. The fact that this sort of idea did not work in the 1940 Business Plot and lead to ignominious endings for Hitler and Mussolini doesn’t seem to register with them. It is not like these guys have not studied history. They have. But they are looking for ways to make it work, this time. And they have their man and a plan.
Their man is the most obviously corrupt politician ever to befoul the Office of President. Their plan is Project 2025. And the success of this plan was just assured by the Supreme Court’s insane decision in Trump vs United States.
How did we get to this point? Corruption. Roberts wife makes millions per year as a high flying corporate legal head hunter. Alito, Thomas and others on the court are on the receiving end of uncounted largess.
It appears the thieves are no longer content with the magnitude of the thefts they have been able to pull off so far. Now they want the whole shooting match. One last thing stands in their way: our votes this November.
Our votes are the thing Republicans and their masters fear most. Duh. Why else would they work so hard to gut the 1964 Voting Rights act and churn out voter suppression laws in nearly half the states as result.
The fact is that we as votes still hold power in this country. But that power will be at end if Republicans are left with any power at all after November 5th. If Trump wins the White House, if another Republican does so, if the GOP holds the House or gains a majority in the Senate—all of these ifs hold dire consequences.
You know what to do.

Marty Kassowitz
Marty Kassowitz is co-founder of Factkeepers. As founder of Interest Factory and View360, he brings more than 30 years experience in effective online communications, social media management, and platform development to the site. He is a writer, designer, editor and long time observer of the ill-logic demonstrated by too many members of the species known as Mankind. After a long history of somewhat private commentary on a subject he totally hates: politics, Marty was encouraged to build this site and put up his own analyses as well as curate relevant content from other sources.