George Santos Is a Liar and Probably a Criminal, and Republicans Are Fine With That

by | Dec 28, 2022 | Opinions & Commentary

George Santos. Image: Santos campaign website

George Santos Is a Liar and Probably a Criminal, and Republicans Are Fine With That

by | Dec 28, 2022 | Opinions & Commentary

George Santos. Image: Santos campaign website

George Santos is, at least on the surface, a two-bit con man. But with him in Congress, Republicans will get his easily manipulatable vote.

George Santos is a newly elected member of Congress from Long Island, New York. And now with more media explosions than the Hindenburg, it is becoming blatantly obvious that he has lied in just about every statement he made during the campaign.

And, as they have with their former president and party demi-God, the vast majority of Republicans have remained silent.

Remember what we published a short article a while back about the silence of the Republican Party in response to the former guy calling for setting aside the Constitution in order to put him back in office? This silence is the same thing. The principle is “SILENCE IS COMPLICITY.”

Republican silence in the face of the lowest of ethical standards is staggering when one begins to extrapolate the implications.

First it tells us that Republicans have no problem with people being elected to Congress who lied, cheated and exhibited immoral or hypocritical acts to get that done. Remember Herschel Walker? The point is getting control of Congress by any means available, ethics and morals be damned.

But why would a party which wants to control the nation’s most senior legislative be interested in liars and others with utterly absent ethical sense? There is this thing about criminals. They tend to band together and seek out their own. Why? Because it gives them comfort to have others with an equally warped view of their fellow man.

You can observe this in crime families. The “OmertĂ ” or code of silence of the mafia is all about this. And if you can see the danger of our senior legislative body exhibiting the same kind of behavior as a criminal gang, move to the head of the class.

The principle that “silence is complicity” is a real thing. Complicit has the same root as accomplice, from Medieval Latin complici “partner.” Thus we get the legal concept of the accomplice or accessory liable to the same penalties as the actual perpetrator of a crime that they aid with their presence and/or silence.

The fact that this is obvious to a non-lawyer who can put this together with a few minutes of research makes one wonder about the veracity of all those law degree holders on the Republican side of the aisle in both houses of Congress.

In short, the silence of the Republican Party to Santos’s lies, and his conning of New York voters to gain office shows that they are in agreement with his actions and might as well form a cheering section to applaud his successful scam.

Where does this lead us? Has the Republican Party abandoned any sense of ethics? Does nothing matter to them but gaining authority? If this is true, and it certainly looks that way, then the very survival of our Democracy depends utterly on seeing that they do not succeed. Allowing criminals and liars—and with the story of George Santos still unfolding, with him looking more and more like a criminal—into Congress with no consequence turns that branch of our government into a criminal conspiracy.

We already know from the massive report issued by the January 6th Committee that there are members of the Republican Party who participated in and helped coordinate that attempted coup. These people of course do not belong in Congress and it is up to the Department of Justice to prosecute them under the provisions of the 14th Amendment. These people are basically traitors. George Santos is, at least on the surface, a two-bit con man. But with him in Congress, the traitors get his easily manipulatable vote.

Societies that allow criminals to flourish become criminal. It is as simple as that. Each of use needs to speak out and put our foot down that criminality, unethical behavior, pandering to vested interests and treason are unacceptable behaviors by not only Members of Congress, but any branch of any government. We must remember that these people work for us, not their own or other vested interests. And if they need to be fired, that’s our job too.

Write to your members in both houses and write to the Department of Justice. They have been hired to do a job for us and pussyfooting around with criminals and treasonous insurrectionists is about as far from their job description as one can get.

Marty Kassowitz

Marty Kassowitz

Marty Kassowitz is co-founder of Factkeepers. As founder of Interest Factory and View360, he brings more than 30 years experience in effective online communications, social media management, and platform development to the site. He is a writer, designer, editor and long time observer of the ill-logic demonstrated by too many members of the species known as Mankind. After a long history of somewhat private commentary on a subject he totally hates: politics, Marty was encouraged to build this site and put up his own analyses as well as curate relevant content from other sources.

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