How Rebekah Mercer’s Money Is Helping Arrest January 6th Insurrectionists

by | Mar 10, 2021 | Quick Facts, Politics, Corruption & Criminality

How Rebekah Mercer’s Money Is Helping Arrest January 6th Insurrectionists

by | Mar 10, 2021 | Quick Facts, Politics, Corruption & Criminality

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Our hats are off to the amazing citizen volunteers who are documenting the actions of the January 6th insurrectionists at the Capitol Building.

Our hats are off to the amazing citizen volunteers who are documenting the actions of the January 6th insurrectionists at the Capitol Building.

A site has been established that is a tour-de-force of evidence presentation. The site,, cross-references photos and videos on a time line and location map in relation to the Capitol Building.

Clicking on any dot on the map brings up a video or photos. The color of the dot tells you where on the timeline it happened.

An amazing amount of work has gone into this site. But one cannot minimize the contribution of the insurrectionists themselves. The majority of the evidence against these people has been enthusiastically provided by their own uploads.

So we find ourselves thanking Rebekah Mercer for her investment in Parler, whose ineptness in the security department provided this prosecutorial treasure trove of evidence.

Repeated efforts have been made by Republican Members of Congress and right wing media outlets to gaslight public perceptions of the attack as being perpetrated by “antifa” and/or the “radical left.” The Washington Post has dissected this quite effectively.

As was widely published, the recently resurrected Parler was hacked just before it was shut down by Amazon Web Services. The hackers were able to retrieve some 70 terabytes of content including videos, location data, identification data, etc., of the insurrectionists. With hundreds of arrests already done and many more in the offing, Rebekah Mercer’s investment in Parler has provided the vast archive of evidence that shows what really happened.

The heroes of are certainly making great use of this information and the FBI is announcing new arrests almost every day.

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