Steven Miller Is Still Being Paid by Taxpayers — To Obstruct the Biden Administration

by | May 18, 2021 | Quick Facts

Stephen Miller. Photo: Leah Millis / Reuters file

Steven Miller Is Still Being Paid by Taxpayers — To Obstruct the Biden Administration

by | May 18, 2021 | Quick Facts

Stephen Miller. Photo: Leah Millis / Reuters file

Steven Miller, Trump's architect of immigrant cruelty, is still being paid by our government despite the fact that the work is doing is to obstruct Biden administration policies.

From the “paying the fox to raid the hen house” file:

Apparently the transition team budget for the outgoing administration runs until July of 2021. Documents obtained by Business Insider, show that Steven Miller and others are still getting paid for some “work.”

In the case of Miller, that work includes setting up a group called “America First Legal.” He has used that organization to try to undermine and block Democratic policies through lawsuits.

America First Legal recently filed a lawsuit claiming that Covid-19 relief funds meant to help farmers that have historically faced social disadvantages is unfair. These funds were meant to provide assistance for non-white farmers who typically do not receive the same level of federal subsidies as their white counterparts.

According to The Independent,

America First Legal recently filed a lawsuit claiming that Covid-19 relief funds meant to help farmers that have historically faced social disadvantages is unfair.

The funds were meant to provide assistance for non-white farmers who typically do not receive the same level of federal subsidies as their white counterparts.

Last week, Mr Miller’s group launched another legal challenge attempting to sideline the funding, claiming a provision included in the assistance was discriminatory because it aimed to help women and racial minorities.

“These race and sex preferences are patently unconstitutional, and the Court should promptly enjoin their enforcement. Doing so will promote equal rights under the law for all American citizens and promote efforts to stop racial discrimination,” the group said in the lawsuit.

Mr Miller – who helped formulate and execute the Trump-era child separation policy, resulting in hundreds of children still being lost in the nation’s opaque migrant detention system – called the Biden administration’s attempts to provide specific assistance to women and minority communities “morally outrageous.”

Thus we have the ludicrous situation of the government paying an antagonist of equal rights while he tries to obstruct those rights. Always remember that “America First” is code for Ku Klux Klan and white supremacy.

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