The Blood Money of Qanon Foil Hat Marketing

by | Dec 19, 2021 | Quick Facts

Photo by Kabiur Rahman Riyad

The Blood Money of Qanon Foil Hat Marketing

by | Dec 19, 2021 | Quick Facts

Photo by Kabiur Rahman Riyad

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Qanon fans are a prime market for unscrupulous product vendors. If the people who buy bullshit solutions like radioactive necklaces or Ivermectin pills to combat Covid get ill or die, why would the salesmen care? After all, they got theirs, right?

Many people may remember the rumors of the early days of the Covid 19 Pandemic. The Qanon channel otherwise known as the “grab your foil hat and your ankles because we’re coming for your wallet” media system was broadcasting every crazy idea they could. Rumors ranged from Bill Gates “invented this to have a reason to inject trackers in you” to “Covid was really caused by 5G towers.”

All these rumors, regardless of their insanity and logic of a Wile E. Coyote / Road Runner gag were lapped up by suckers all over the world. In the UK there were actually reports of cell towers being burned down regardless of the fact that they were not 5G towers.

It quickly became obvious that these people could also be sold just about anything. Alex Jones of InfoWars had already been doing this for years. His formula is simple. Whip up a bunch of fear, hate and rumors and sell over priced vitamins and doomsday prepper disaster supplies. The main motive is always the same. Profit.

Now a new report has come out that some of these exploiters are selling another class of dangerous products to the gullible.

Various companies have been hawking “anti-5G” jewelry which actually emit ionizing radiation. And since radiation has an accumulative effect on the body, the longer one wears such crap, the more exposure is built up.

According to the Dutch authority on nuclear safety,

“Exposure to ionising radiation can cause adverse health effects,” the safety agency said. “Due to the potential health risk they pose, these consumer products containing radioactive materials are therefore prohibited by law. Ionising radiation can damage tissue and DNA and can cause, for example, a red skin. Only low levels of radiation have been measured on these specific products.

“However, someone who wears a product of this kind for a prolonged period (a year, 24 hours a day) could expose themselves to a level of radiation that exceeds the stringent limit for skin exposure that applies in the Netherlands. To avoid any risk, the ANVS calls on owners of such items not to wear them from now on.”

The other obvious point here is that snake oil purveyors care nothing for what actually happens when a customer buys their products. They never have. And Qanon fans seem to be a prime market for these unscrupulous vendors. If the people who buy bullshit solutions like radioactive necklaces or Ivermectin pills to combat Covid get ill or die, why would the salesmen care? After all, they got theirs, right?

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