Trevor Noah’s Take on Mitch McConnell’s Latest Gaff

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Politics, Corruption & Criminality

Trevor Noah’s Take on Mitch McConnell’s Latest Gaff

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Politics, Corruption & Criminality

Probably the most best way to deal with the unending stream of rigid right-wing "thought" from Mitch McConnell is humor. And Trevor Noah is here once again to save us.

Probably the most best way to deal with the unending stream of rigid right-wing “thought” from Mitch McConnell is humor. And Trevor Noah is here once again to save us.

On Tuesday, McConnell issued a “warning” to U.S. corporations after several major companies expressed concerns about the law, which President Joe Biden likened to Jim Crow measures. He actually called their actions and opinions stupid. Jeez, those are his major donors!

Major League Baseball pulled the All-Star Game out of Georgia. Some conservatives are calling for a boycott of MLB as well as other famous brands, such as Coca-Cola, after the company’s CEO called the law “unacceptable.”

“I’m not talking about political contributions,” McConnell said. “I’m talking about taking a position on a highly incendiary issue like this and punishing a community or a state because you don’t like a particular law that passed. I just think it’s stupid.”

Trevor Noah, host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central and possessor of some of the best political wit in the business, took on McConnell’s comments on Wednesday.

“Keep your mouth shut and hand over the money. That’s literally what bank robbers say,” Noah said.

“This is especially hilarious coming from Mitch McConnell because don’t forget, don’t forget, he helped create the situation today where politicians are so dependent on big business for campaign spending that they basically let companies write all of the laws,” Noah went on.

“But you see Mitch, after you spent decades helping companies intervene in politics, you can’t now be upset that companies want to intervene in politics. The monster you created is coming after you. Just like how you enabled Trump and then he came after you.”

“And by the way, I like how McConnell is especially offended that businesses would take a position in a highly controversial issue, because I mean like if the issue isn’t controversial, than why would they announce their position at all? What does that mean?” Noah said.

“It would be weird if Coca-Cola came out like ‘it is our official position as a company that it can be nice to sleep in on the weekend. Don’t at me, don’t at me,'” he joked.

McConnell later tried to clarify his remarks about corporations, telling reporters on Wednesday: “I didn’t say that very artfully yesterday. They’re certainly entitled to be involved in politics. They are.” Nice backpedal…

Here’s Trevor Noah’s video:

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