Yesterday was purported by the former guy as indictment day. He expected to be indicted and arrested for a variety of charges levied by the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg. It still hasn’t happened, but what also didn’t happen were the “protests” by his supporters that he called for.
In total about 5 people showed up to back the “mighty” orange in front of Trump Tower. Frankly, that is the purest of comedy when compared to the last time he called for protests—just prior to the January 6th Insurrection.
So sharp is that event still in our minds that the NYPD surrounded the Manhattan DA’s office with crowd control barricades in anticipation of violence from Trump’s obedient hordes. But what turned up wasn’t a horde of MAGA-hat-wearing howling militia members, but a horde of reporters ready to “cover” the mayhem and punch up their ad revenues—just like Trump’s been doing for them for years now.
The scene was truly comical with “journalists” running around interviewing each other until they figured out they were pretty much alone out there.
To say that all things come to an end is true. Good things as well as very bad, overdone and could not be over too soon things—like “King” Donnie and his merry court of loonies.
The fact is that people like Trump are thankfully a tiny minority of the population. Their only real power is to rile up fear, anger, hate and other negative emotions in others. They also have no real friends or allies and will happily toss those who think they are friends under the nearest bus when the necessity arises. And this the case with poor abandoned Donnie. A thousand of his most ardent fans are under prosecution for listening to him at the end of his term in the White House. Another projected thousand still have to be arrested and tried. Despite all his promises and fundraising to the contrary, these folks are on their own for the crimes he inspired them to commit. So it is no surprise that people expected the worst when he called for more protests.
But apparently even these folks aren’t that stupid. Only a very few (5) were dumb enough to show up after seven or so years of non-stop lying.
The support surrounding Trump seems to be reducing down to the few people who owe him for letting them out of jail: Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn and also the remarkably stupid Marjorie Taylor Greene—plus a few attorneys who are probably only there because they forced him to pay up front.
The only people who don’t get that this saga is coming to an ignominious end are Trump himself and the horde of media fools that think he is still somehow a story rather than a cautionary tale.
If and when he is arrested, a suitable prediction is that the response will be a party rather than a protest. But after yesterday’s turn out, it is just as likely that he’s thinking about getting on his jet and bailing—maybe to Moscow where’s he’d get a friendly reception. The irony would be delicious. Imagine Putin putting him up in the same apartments once occupied by Kim Philby…

Marty Kassowitz
Marty Kassowitz is co-founder of Factkeepers. As founder of Interest Factory and View360, he brings more than 30 years experience in effective online communications, social media management, and platform development to the site. He is a writer, designer, editor and long time observer of the ill-logic demonstrated by too many members of the species known as Mankind. After a long history of somewhat private commentary on a subject he totally hates: politics, Marty was encouraged to build this site and put up his own analyses as well as curate relevant content from other sources.