Trump Campaign on Its Way to Losing

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

Kamala Harris speaking in Iowa in 2019. Image: Gage Skidmore, Wiki Commons

Trump Campaign on Its Way to Losing

by | Jul 31, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

Kamala Harris speaking in Iowa in 2019. Image: Gage Skidmore, Wiki Commons

The twists and turns of life have put Kamala Harris atop the Democratic ticket. She will be the president of the United States of America. She will end the MAGA madness, and send Trump into a final exile in Palm Beach.

Republished with permission from Steve Schmidt

Kamala Harris has performed flawlessly as the presumptive Democratic nominee. The Trump campaign is reeling, disoriented and unable to land a glove on the vice president.

Harris is surging in polls across the battleground states. In a Commonwealth Foundation poll in Pennsylvania, Harris polled at 47 percent, with Trump at 46 percent in a hypothetical head-to-head matchup. Harris and Trump are tied in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Trump is ahead by 1 point in Wisconsin, and Harris is up by 6 in Minnesota, according to a Fox News poll.

The Trump campaign is losing ground, and on its way to losing. The juvenile name-calling and general idiocy will soon give way to a shocking level of racial animus and craziness as the extremist cause realizes the Project 2025 plan is going the way of the Unabomber manifesto.

JD Vance is a weirdo of epic dimensions and a fraud of staggering proportions. He makes Sarah Palin look like James Madison, and she is as unstable, ignorant and dishonest at a level I still haven’t quite figured out how to articulate after 16 years. Trump is no doubt raging about the failure and his eldest son’s political idiocy.

JD Vance is a lead weight around Trump’s swollen ankles. The calls for him to step off the ticket are going to get louder and louder as August moves forward. Of course, it is too late, but the good news is that the Vance pick proves the power of karma irrefutably. Trump tried to hang his last vice president, and now his new choice for VP is going to hang him in November. What a perfect ending for the nine-year-long reality show.

The twists and turns of life have put Kamala Harris atop the Democratic ticket. She will be the president of the United States of America. She will end the MAGA madness, and send Trump into a final exile in Palm Beach. The members of Mar-a-Lago will get to enjoy a life sentence of the disgraced Donald holding court and regaling his captives with incoherent nonsense. What a perfect and happy ending for everyone.

Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt is a political analyst for MSNBC and NBC News. He served as a political strategist for George W. Bush and the John McCain presidential campaign. Schmidt is a founder of The Lincoln Project, a group founded to campaign against former President Trump. It became the most financially successful Super-PAC in American history, raising almost $100 million to campaign against Trump's failed 2020 re-election bid. He left the group in 2021.

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