What Afghanistan Withdrawal Critics Are Really Saying: I Want My War Profits Back!

by | Aug 30, 2021 | Politics, Corruption & Criminality, Opinions & Commentary

Photo by Mykola Makhlai

What Afghanistan Withdrawal Critics Are Really Saying: I Want My War Profits Back!

by | Aug 30, 2021 | Politics, Corruption & Criminality, Opinions & Commentary

Photo by Mykola Makhlai

In Dizzy City politics, what we are not supposed to have attention on is the $2 trillion that has already been burned in Afghanistan. Never forget that the vast majority of that money was spent here, with American companies.

There is a rule of thumb that when political people are making patently insane demands with a straight face, there is money involved either directly or for a donor. So it was no surprise that the biggest donor to Ron DeSantis turned out to have financial interest in Regeneron, the Covid-19 treatment that DeSantis was pushing rather than masks and vaccines.

And there are no more insane demands than those that lead to war.

The Huffington Post recently reported that Republicans are demanding actions that amount to re-invading Afghanistan.

In a statement, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), who has long opposed efforts under both Biden and President Donald Trump to end U.S. involvement in the two-decade war, said Biden needed to “rip up the Aug. 31 deadline and defend evacuation routes” by expanding the perimeter around the Kabul airport or by retaking Bagram Air Base.

“You are the commander in chief, sir; reverse course and fight for our people. This is likely to get worse, and weakness will accelerate the bloodshed,” Sasse said.

Other Republicans similarly suggested the United States pour more troops into the country.

In the Dizzy City finger-pointing tradition of distraction politics, what we are not supposed to have attention on is the $2 trillion that has already been burned in Afghanistan. Certainly containers of cash were transported there for bribes (also known as hearts and minds support), but never forget that the vast majority of that money was spent here, with American companies. That means that vast fortunes were made and income rivers were established that now must to be protected.

In the scramble to exit Afghanistan (which should have been done at least 15 years ago by some estimates), Republican Party pundits are seeking to cast attention everywhere except to their donors who have achieved unprecedented profits.

At no time in the history of carnage on this planet has more money been spent on war. To some Republican lawmakers the loss of this revenue stream—of blood money—is truly scary since their donors may see them as ineffective in maintaining the financial status quo of a forever war.

The rule of thumb in all political spheres on this planet should be that those who lead mankind to war forfeit their rights to office. And those that profit from war and from the continuance of war, under any guise, are beneath the rights of man.

There is a simple solution to the twisted minds roaming the halls of Congress railing against the end of a war that their own “dear leader” negotiated. Vote them out. If they are advocating a return to war, receive campaign donations from Pentagon contractors or mercenary vultures like Eric Prince, vote them out. If they see defense as the most important budget line item, vote them out.

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