Why Are Trump Supporters Still So Loud? They Are a Lot Fewer than We Are Supposed to Believe

by | Oct 23, 2021 | Opinions & Commentary, Racism (Us vs Them)

Photo by Markus Spiske

Why Are Trump Supporters Still So Loud? They Are a Lot Fewer than We Are Supposed to Believe

by | Oct 23, 2021 | Opinions & Commentary, Racism (Us vs Them)

Photo by Markus Spiske

Just like a cat arches its back to make itself look larger as it hisses a warning at an enemy, the steadily decreasing number of Trump's remaining supporters seem to be doing the same in their anti-social interactions.

The latest effort to fleece money from the “faithful” on the part of Trump’s team just fell flat on its face in Salt Lake City. The Western Conservative Action Network, or WeCANact event scheduled this weekend was billed as having 10,000 attendees. The number of people there to listen to rehashed false data from the likes of Michael Flynn fell 90 percent short of the mark with only 1000 attendees showing up.

Just because folks are still loyal followers of the former guy doesn’t mean they get a free ride. Ticket prices started at $49. With just 1000 attendees, it is doubtful this event covered its costs.

Attendees were also offered “a FREE $2,000 Four Day Defensive Handgun Course at [a sponsor’s] world-class 550-acre firearms training facility when you purchase a ticket to the WeCANact Liberty Conference!” Apparently that wasn’t enough of an incentive to get folks to show up.

Where Are the Crowds?

It is a characteristic of anti-social people to hide in crowds by making it seem like other people are doing the talking for them. You probably recall the former guy saying frequently, “Many people tell me…” And of course Alex Jones frequently could be heard to say, “My sources tell me…” These preambles are then followed by some outrageous lie but the teller isn’t “responsible” because he got it “elsewhere.” Of course the elsewhere is the “deep state” between their ears.

Now that the election has been lost more times than can be easily counted with the legs of a centipede, the endless blather of Trump and his hardcore minions sounds more and more hollow. Even the most hardcore white supremacist isn’t always a complete idiot. After finding out he swallowed a line of BS one too many times, he’s gonna finally sit back and realize he needs to get some mouthwash.

Just like a cat arches its back to make itself look larger as it hisses a warning at an enemy, the steadily decreasing number of Trump’s remaining supporters seem to be doing the same in their anti-social interactions. Big flags, loud voices and big plans. But now less and less actual result. Frankly, this is a good thing.

The core support of Trump, white supremacists—Nazis with a longer name—are despicable people. Covertly hateful and of ill will to all who even give any impression of disagreement with their warped viewpoints.

Our Saving Grace

Another key characteristic of these people—and the one that may ultimately help the rest of us the most—is their lack of ability to actually get things done. Seeing things through is not in their tool box. It takes a lot more work to get real work accomplished than it does to complain about some “foreigner” coming to take their jobs and replace them.

There’s little fear from the little cat with the arched back and annoying hiss. It is most of the time not even worthy of kicking out of the way. In their minds they are big predators. In reality quite the reverse and in truth just prey for the likes of the truly evil. This is evidenced by how easily these folks were and still are manipulated by Russian trolls.

Our true saving grace is that the vast majority of humanity is made up of good and decent people. People who care, people who are ready and willing to lend a hand and do the actual work of building things. These are the folks to put one’s attention on and give assistance to. 

Best to just ignore the hissing little feral cats with the white hoods and loser flags.

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