
The True Danger of Racist Propaganda

The True Danger of Racist Propaganda

We can make light of the obvious and transparent stupidity of FOX, OAN, Breitbart and Newsmax, but make no mistake, there is nothing funny about their racist propaganda. It is designed to create hate and fear in people and then proceed downward from there.
Dissecting Propagandist Dinesh D’Souza’s Lie About COP26 on Twitter

Dissecting Propagandist Dinesh D’Souza’s Lie About COP26 on Twitter

Dinesh D'Souza's target readers appear not too worried about verifying facts, though they should be because his work is intended to manipulate them. His post is a clear attempt to paint attendees of COP26 Conference in a bad light and make them out to be disingenuous in their work.
It Is Time for Me to Talk About Racism

It Is Time for Me to Talk About Racism

Racism is rooted in fear, and fear is rooted in what we don’t know and can’t see. It’s not even so much a thought or personal policy. Racism is an involuntary REACTION. And it must, for it’s true power and volition, descend from one who holds the power to one who does not.
How Trump Tried to Use Confusion to Become a Dictator

How Trump Tried to Use Confusion to Become a Dictator

Soon, Trump's towers will come down and more and more will see him for what he really is, neither a genius nor stable, but just a guy who did a magic trick designed to pick your pocket and set him up as dictator.
Climate Change Is Making Atmospheric River Storms Stronger

Climate Change Is Making Atmospheric River Storms Stronger

Atmospheric rivers occur globally, affecting the west coasts of the world’s major land masses, including Portugal, Western Europe, Chile and South Africa. So-called “Pineapple Express” storms that carry moisture from Hawaii to the U.S. West Coast are just one of their many flavors.
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