To do the fullest honor to those who fought and died on D-Day we must also acknowledge that the evil philosophies which lead to that war also exist here. And those ideas are being actively promoted today.
Marty Kassowitz
It should come as no surprise that the most vocal proponents of allowing a debt ceiling default by the US are also backers of the Jan 6th insurrection.
There are simple things we can all do to derail and end evil whisper and black propaganda campaigns.
The NRA's never ending stream of messages about "protecting" the 2nd Amendment has tended to obscure the fact that there are many other rights granted by the Constitution.
The propaganda methods used by the Nazis both in Germany and here are important to understand—because they are still being used today, in exactly the same way.
The only people who don't get that this saga is coming to an ignominious end are Trump himself and the horde of media fools that think he is still a story rather than a cautionary tale.
Republicans are trying to wash the blood of over a million dead Americans from Covid off their hands by shifting the blame of their mismanagement and criminal negligence elsewhere—anywhere they can.
Now, for our own good, we have to question the science presented as the foundation for a product, a policy or a personal health practice, or even food.
Republicans are on a tear to regulate what people can see, read or hear. But stop a Republican from telling a lie or inciting violence—or an insurrection—and a scream about free speech rights will follow.
FOX News has been outed for fully knowing that it was lying in support of Trump's claims of election fraud. What this means is still being debated.
The hate of the far right is pretty much universal and our Nazis are pretty much the same evil, psychotic nutcases as the Reich.
The paranoia-terror coffee klatch of the far-right thinks every random thought is a "fact." And by this they tip their hand as to their real mindset—they fear literally everything.
Ron DeSantis has pushed for a curriculum that whitewashes—irony intended—the vast history of oppression of black members of American society throughout our nation's past.
We generally think of yellow journalism as a revenue driver, with click bait titles, loosely-researched or fully fabricated facts presented as gospel. But the same practices are also happily adopted by propagandists.
Perhaps the more important fact about Trump's anticipated return to Twitter and Facebook is that he now owns a competing social media platform. The implications of this could be a "yuge" problem for him.
The very ability of our government to function on our behalf is being held hostage by insurrectionists in Congress and the ransom is unacceptable. When will the Department of Justice act?