Marty Kassowitz

The Republican Insurrection Distraction Faction

The Republican Insurrection Distraction Faction

Republican members of Congress who were involved in the January 6th insurrection are whipping up loads of distractions to divert attention from the question, "Why are they still in office and not in jail?"
On the Obsolescence of War

On the Obsolescence of War

Wars never go as planned. Putin's decision to go to war in Ukraine has backfired so severely that the Russian economy has nearly collapsed in a matter of one week. Not quite what he had in mind.
Maybe It Is Time For Russia to Fire Putin

Maybe It Is Time For Russia to Fire Putin

It is extraordinary that in the matter of a week, Putin has killed many Ukrainian citizens, countless Russian soldiers and his own country’s economy.
Meet Kira Rudik, Another Face of Defiance in Ukraine

Meet Kira Rudik, Another Face of Defiance in Ukraine

Putin is showing the world, again, that authoritarianism is itself a failed method of government. It fails when confronted with the defiance of the most powerful force in government everywhere, the consent or refusal of the governed.
War and the Contagion of Evil

War and the Contagion of Evil

The enduring questions of war are, "How does a normal person decide to become a random killer of civilians? What has seized his normal social human intellect to become a callous murderer?"